Meddings, Jennifer
Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards
Institution: University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Grant Title: Targeting Hospital-Acquired Complications: Impact on the Care of Complex Patients
Grant Number: K08 HS019767
Duration: 5 years (2010-2015)
Total Award: $922,000
Project Description: The proposed research has two main aims:
- Validate measures of hospital-acquired complications derived from administrative data as indicators of hospital quality, by triangulating with measures from other data sources.
- Evaluate unintended outcomes for patients from the Hospital-Acquired Conditions Initiative.
Career Goals: Dr. Meddings is a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Michigan. She received her MD from the University of Michigan Medical School and served her residency at the Ohio State University Medical Center. She then earned her MSc from the University of Michigan. Her long-term career goal is to become a leader in developing, implementing, and assessing policy interventions to improve the quality of care for complex patients.
Progress to Date: This grant has just started.
Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:
- Academic Achievement Award, Rank 1 in Class, University of Michigan Medical School.
- William Dodd Robinson Award in Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School.
- Internal Medicine Residency Recognition Award, Ohio State University Medical Center, 2006.
- Children's Hospital Service Star, Columbus Children's Hospital, 2005.
- General Medicine Achievement Faculty Award, Ohio State University Medical Center, 2007.
K-Generated Publications: None thus far.