Nuckols, Teryl K.
Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards
Nuckols, Teryl K.
Institution: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Grant Title: The Value of Hospital-Related Patient Safety Interventions to Key Stakeholders
Grant Number: K08 HS17954
Duration: 4 years (2008-2012)
Total Award: $552,000
Project Description: This research proposes to develop an approach to evaluate the effects of hospital-related patient safety interventions on key stakeholders, including financial effects on payers, employers, hospitals, and physicians, as well as health and financial effects on patients. After developing the approach, the grantee will apply it to computerized physician order entry and obtain feedback from the stakeholders.
Career Goals: Dr. Nuckols is an Assistant Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research, Department of Medicine, at UCLA. She has a secondary appointment at RAND Corporation as a Health Services Researcher. Dr. Nuckols received her MD from University of California, San Diego, and did an internship in the Department of General Surgery at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. This was followed by an internship and residency at the Center for Health Sciences, Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine at UCLA. She then served as a research fellow for the Primary Care Research Fellowship under the National Research Service Award (NRSA). The grantee would like to make substantive contributions to policy decisions in the fields of patient safety and quality of care by providing policymakers with information regarding the potential effects of their decisions on quality/safety and costs.
Progress to Date: Dr. Nuckols has developed a draft framework for assessing the value of hospital-related patient safety interventions from the perspectives of society, hospitals, payers, physicians, and patients. She also developed a list of potential representatives of relevant stakeholder groups and national experts who will be invited to provide feedback.
Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:
- Site Director, Center for Health Sciences, Inpatient Internal Medicine Clerkship, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA.
K-Generated Publications:
TK Nuckols, J Bhattacharya, D Wolman, et al. Costs implications of reductions to resident physician work hours and workload recommended by the Institute of Medicine. New England Journal of Medicine. 2009. 260(21):2202-15.