Theodoro, Daniel
Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards
Institution: Washington University
Grant Title: Improving and Assessing Outcomes of Central Lines in the Emergency Department
Grant Number: K08 HS018092
Duration: 4 years (2009-2013)
Total Award: $551,400
Project Description: This research has four main aims:
- Perform a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in the emergency department (ED) demonstrating ultrasound guidance at the location of the subclavian vein is feasible and improves patient safety by minimizing immediate adverse events.
- Demonstrate central line placement is increasing in EDs by measuring the changes in proportion of central venous cannulations per number of patient visits per year.
- Measure catheter-related blood infection rate of central lines inserted in ED compared to those inserted in intensive care units (ICUs).
- Model economic costs of adverse outcomes of central venous cannulations in ED.
Career Goals: Dr. Theodoro is an Assistant Professor in Emergency Medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO. He received his MD from Brown University and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Barnes-Jewish Medical Center in St. Louis. This was followed by a residency in Emergency Medicine at the Jacobi Montefiore Hospitals in Bronx, NY. Dr. Theodoro then completed an Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Fellowship at the North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, NY. The grantee would like to define clear patient-oriented outcomes, improve emergency medicine research methodology, and measure the economic impact of advances that begin with emergency department interventions.
Progress to Date: For Aim #2, the State inpatient Database for California and the American Hospital Association databases were merged and results were presented at the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology in America meeting and full manuscript is in preparation. Data collection for Aim #3 continues. The grantee received his Master's of Science in Clinical Investigation.
Future Plans: Work will begin on Aim #1. Sensitivity analysis for Aim #2 will be completed and data collection for Aim #3 will continue.
Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:
- Golden Stethoscope Award, outstanding Clinical Teacher in the Emergency Department, Washington University School of Medicine, 2006.
- Chairman, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Interest Group.
K-Generated Publications: None thus far.