Wen, Kuang-Yi
Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards
Institution: Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
Grant Title: MyHealthPortal: Using an Electronic Portal to Empower Patients with Breast Cancer
Grant Number: K01 HS019001
Duration: 5 years (2011-2016)
Total Award: $747,959
Project Description: The goal of this project is to bridge the divide between patients and the healthcare system by integrating within a patient portal called "MyHealthPortal," personal information from an electronic medical record with educational and support content about breast cancer treatment decision making and care management. This project will be guided by the Cognitive-Social Health Information Processing Model, health communication best practices, and human factors and usability engineering principles.
The research aims are:
- To develop a patient-centered web-based portal (MyHealthPortal) for breast cancer patients undergoing treatment in a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Users will be provided with tools that are integrated with their personal medical records to learn about their diagnosis, treatment, and to manage their care through resources such as: health information, decisional and emotional support, and clinical communication capability; and
- To conduct a pilot randomized controlled trial study to assess the feasibility and potential impact of the MyHealthPortal system with early-stage breast cancer patients.
Career Goals: Dr. Wen is a Health Systems Engineer with postdoctoral training in psychosocial medicine and medical informatics. She received her doctorate in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. She also completed a certificate in Medical Informatics from the American Medical Informatics Association 10X10 Training program. Dr. Wen's long-term goal is to undertake an independent research program to develop, evaluate and disseminate quality improvement initiatives that are designed for the promotion of patient-center care within ambulatory settings and based on use of health information and communication technology.
Progress to Date: This grant has just started.
Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:
- University of Wisconsin Vilas Award, 2004
- Cancer Prevention and Control R25 Fellowship, 2008
- American Society of Preventive Oncology New Investigators Workshop Fellow, 2009
- Best Abstracts at the 25th AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC, 2008
K-Generated Publications: None thus far.