We are a network that supports community-based health care centers, including their patients, practitioners and organizations. A community-based health care center is one that is committed to improving the overall health of individuals, families and communities by focusing on their primary medical, dental and/or behavioral well-being. We exist to advocate for meeting the health needs of underserved populations, while providing access to high quality health care, and greater social justice for all. We exist to provide peer support:
By conducting practice-based research and...
Current or Past Research Interests / Health Conditions:
Behavioral health
Cardiovascular disease, including stroke and hypertension
Care transitions
Children's health issues
Chronic pain
Comparative effectiveness research on improving healthcare systems and/or patient experiences
Coordination of care for complex patients
Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease (brain and nerve conditions)
Depression and other mental health disorders
Diabetes (Type 1 or 2)
Infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS, STDs
Medication management
Obesity, physical activity, and/or diet and nutrition
Other health or disease related interests
Population health
Pregnancy and childbirth, including preterm birth
Pulmonary disease/asthma
Substance abuse (alcohol and drug abuse)
Tobacco use and smoking cessation
Women's health issues
Current or Past Research Interests Comments :
Cancer: breast, cervix, colorectal; Depression and other mental health disorders: PTSD, depression; Women's health issues: Pregnancy, prenatal care; Other: Stress & Allostatic Load & Inflammation
Approximate Number of PBRN Member Licensed Clinicians:
Approximate Number of Practices or Clinics:
Approximate Number of Patients:
Academic Institution
Affiliation Notes:
Academic Institution: Rockefeller University, Columbia, Weill Cornell, NYU, University of Rochester, Dartmouth, Yale, University of Florida, University of Texas, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Other: RAND Corporation, APHA, NAPCRG, AAFP