The Safety Net Providers' Strategic Alliance (SNPSA) is a safety net practice-based research network (PBRN) started in 2004 that includes federally qualified community health centers, free-clinics, and health clinics for the homeless. SNPSA is comprised of 20 practices and 120 primary care clinicians. The network’s clinicians and practice administrators comprise a steering committee that meets quarterly to conduct research project development, implementation, interpretation, dissemination and application of findings. SNPSA has conducted 16 PBRN studies. Through their participation, SNPSA...
Current or Past Research Interests / Health Conditions:
Behavioral health
Cardiovascular disease, including stroke and hypertension
Chronic pain
Comparative effectiveness research on improving healthcare systems and/or patient experiences
Coordination of care for complex patients
Developmental delays, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism
Diabetes (Type 1 or 2)
Health literacy
Obesity, physical activity, and/or diet and nutrition
Population health
Pregnancy and childbirth, including preterm birth
Substance abuse (alcohol and drug abuse)
Tobacco use and smoking cessation
Approximate Number of PBRN Member Licensed Clinicians: