Realizing Improved Patient Care Through Human-Centered Design in the Operating Room (RIPCHD.OR)
Principal Investigator: Anjali Joseph, Ph.D., Clemson University, Clemson, SC
AHRQ Grant No.: HS24380
Project Period: 09/30/15–08/31/21
Description: The overarching goal of RIPCHD.OR was to use an integrated systems engineering approach to develop ergonomic and safe operating room (OR) design solutions that improve staff workflow and perioperative outcomes.
The specific aims were to:
- Improve the usability of anesthesia-related alarms in the OR.
- Understand and improve traffic flow in the OR.
- Develop a safer and more human-centered OR that supports technology integration and staff workflows.
RIPCHD.OR explored dynamic interactions of providers and other staff in the OR, numerous OR design elements (e.g., OR size and layout, lighting, design and positioning of the surgical table, location of doors), and processes and technologies (gestural displays) by engaging clinicians and other medical personnel in surgical simulations.1
The lab’s key accomplishments included a human-centered OR design concept and a high-fidelity mockup of an OR to explore design alternatives at the microlevel via iterative testing. In addition, the lab created a flow mapping toolkit to guide the design team in systematically assessing other institutions’ physical configurations of surgical flows to identify barriers and facilitators.2-6 The team also created an anesthesia workstation simulator to conduct studies related to the tactile modality of displays and alarms.
The design, process, and technology solutions that emerged from RIPCHD.OR were implemented at the new Medical University of South Carolina Ambulatory Surgery Center and at the Emory Executive Park Musculoskeletal Institute in Georgia.7
The lab’s findings were synthesized and shared via the Safe OR Design Toolkit, which gives multiple stakeholders an opportunity to understand the implications of design on OR safety and to interact with components in an OR environment through a 3D model.8 The toolkit also offers design strategies and their associated desired outcomes for a series of design elements commonly found in OR environments. For example, one key strategy calls for orienting the surgical table within the room to minimize reorientation and associated disruptions during surgery.
Toolkit users may filter design strategies by the type of strategy embedded within the work system and access citations associated with each design strategy.7 This toolkit supports an evidence-based approach to designing or renovating ORs for a safer, more ergonomic OR environment for patients and staff. It was developed based on an indepth literature review and the findings from RIPCHD.OR. The toolkit was then vetted through a three-stage modified Delphi process by an expert panel of eight clinicians and eight healthcare designers with extensive experience working in and designing OR environments.
Early on, the lab disseminated its work to reach a broader general audience. In 2017, it showcased a scale model of OR design at a 2017 innovation festival at the National Museum of American History in Washington, DC. During the event, researchers provided virtual reality experiences of the OR design to numerous visitors.6 Later the same year, RIPCHD.OR received two awards for conceptual design excellence at the Healthcare Design Expo + Conference in Orlando, FL.
In addition, Principal Investigator Anjali Joseph and Scott Reeves were featured in a 2018 article in the Wall Street Journal9 and, more recently, in the New York Times10 for their efforts with the lab to design safer and more efficient ORs. To date, the work products and research publications developed as part of this learning laboratory represent the most comprehensive body of work related to OR work systems design.7
RIPCHD.OR’s work has resulted in at least 24 peer-reviewed journal publications, as well as posters and presentations at conferences across the United States.
- Allison D, et al. Design insights from a research initiative on ambulatory surgery operating rooms in the U.S. Instituto de Pesquisas Hospitalares (IPH) Magazine 2021;17:212-29.
- Joseph A, Reid J, Kearney J. Planning patient care areas using simulation. In Deutsch ES, Perry SJ, Gurnaney HG, eds. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Improving Healthcare Systems. Cham: Springer International Publishing; July 2021. p. 97-105.
- Joseph A., et al. Comparing user perceptions of surgical environments: simulations in a high-fidelity physical mock-up versus a postoccupancy evaluation. HERD 2021 Sep 13:19375867211044733.
- Joseph A, et al. Impact of surgical table orientation on flow disruptions and movement patterns during pediatric outpatient surgeries. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18(15):8114.
- Jurewicz KA, et al. Observational study of anaesthesia workflow to evaluate physical workspace design and layout. Br J Anaesth 2021;126(3):633-41.
- Taaffe K, et al. Proactive evaluation of an operating room prototype: a simulation-based modeling approach. J Patient Saf 2021;17(8):e1833-9.
- Machry H, et al. The fit between spatial configuration and idealized flows: mapping flows in surgical facilities as part of case study visits. HERD 2020;14(1):237-50.
- Joseph A, et al. Minor flow disruptions, traffic-related factors and their effect on major flow disruptions in the operating room. BMJ Qual Saf 2019;28(4):276-83.
- Neyens DM, et al. Using a systems approach to evaluate a circulating nurse's work patterns and workflow disruptions. Appl Ergon 2019 Jul;78:293-300.
- Safe OR Design. Clemson, SC: Clemson University School of Architecture; 2019.
- Realizing Improved Patient Care Through Human-Centered Design in the Operating Room: Volume 3-4. Clemson, SC: Clemson University School of Architecture; 2017-2019.
- Wingler D, et al. Comparing the effectiveness of four different design media in communicating desired performance outcomes with clinical end users. HERD 2019;12(2):87-99.
- Bayramzadeh S, et al., The impact of operating room layout on circulating nurse's work patterns and flow disruptions: a behavioral mapping study. HERD 2018;11(3):124-38.
- Bayramzadeh S, et al. Using an integrative mock-up simulation approach for evidence-based evaluation of operating room design prototypes. Appl Ergon 2018 Jul;70:288-99.
- Joseph A, et al. Safety, performance, and satisfaction outcomes in the operating room: a literature review. HERD 2018;11(2):137-50.
- Joseph A, et al. Designing a safer OR. In Focus: Strategic Approaches to Design Challenges. HCD Magazine 2018 Nov:81-89.
- Joseph A, et al. The architecture of safety: an emerging priority for improving patient safety. Health Aff (Millwood) 2018;37(11):1884-91.
- Jurewicz KA, et al. Developing a 3D gestural interface for anesthesia-related human-computer interaction tasks using both experts and novices. Hum Factors 2018;60(7):992-1007.
- Jurewicz K, et al. Investigating Intraoperative and Intraprofessional Handoffs in Anesthesia. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2018;62(1):469-73.
- Mousavi E, et al. An observational study of door motion in operating rooms. Building and Environment 2018;144(10):502-7.
- Reeves S. It’s time to build a better OR. Outpatient Surgery Magazine (Special Edition) 2018 Mar:3-6.
- Joseph A. Reimaging and reinventing surgical workspaces. Outpatient Surgery Magazine (Special Edition) 2018 Mar:64-65.
- Taaffe K, et al. The influence of traffic, area location, and other factors on operating room microbial load. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2018;39(4):391-7.
- Betza SM, et al. The effect of movement and cue complexity on tactile change detection. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2017;61(1):1541-45.
- Catchpole K, et al. Framework for direct observation of performance and safety in healthcare. BMJ Qual Saf 2017;26(12):1015-21.
- Ibrahim AM, et al. Building a better operating room: views from surgery and architecture. Ann Surg 2017;5(1):34-36.
- Jurewicz K, Neyens DM. Mapping 3D gestural inputs to traditional touchscreen interface designs within the context of anesthesiology. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2017;61(1):696-700.
- Khoshkenar A, et al. Simulation-based design and traffic flow improvements in the operating room. Winter Simulation Conference 2017, Las Vegas, NV; 2975-83.
- Realizing Improved Patient Care Through Human-Centered Design in the Operating Room: Volume 2. Clemson, SC: Clemson University School of Architecture; 2016-2017.
- Betza, S.M., et al., Anesthesia maintenance and vigilance: examining task switching. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2016;60(1):608-12.
- Realizing Improved Patient Care Through Human-Centered Design in the Operating Room: Volume 1. Clemson, SC: Clemson University School of Architecture;2015-2016.
- Bayramzadeh S, et al. Using an integrative mock-up simulation approach for evidence-based evaluation of operating room design prototypes. Appl Ergon 2018 Jul;70:288-99.
- Betza SM, et al. The effect of movement and cue complexity on tactile change detection. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2017;61(1):1541-45.
- Joseph A, et al. Integrating technology in patient care spaces: using scenario-based evaluations to compare design alternatives in virtual reality. Congress of International Ergonomics Association, 2018, Florence, Italy.
- Joseph A, et al. Safety, performance, and satisfaction outcomes in the operating room: a literature review. HERD 2018;11(2):137-50.
- Ibrahim AM, et al. Building a better operating room: views from surgery and architecture. Ann Surg 2017;265(1):34-36.
- Joseph A. Progress Report: Realizing Improved Patient Care Through Human-Centered Design in the OR. Clemson, SC: Clemson University; 2018.
- Joseph A. Final Report: Realizing Improved Patient Care Through Human-centered Design in the OR (RIPCHD.OR). Clemson, SC: Clemson University; 2021. p. 19.
- Safe OR Design. Clemson, SC: Clemson University School of Architecture; 2019.
- Landro L. The operating room of the future: a host of changes hold out the promise that surgery will be more efficient, more effective and less risky for patients. Wall Street Journal 2018 May 28.
- Rosen E. Operating rooms go under the knife. New York Times 2021 May 5.