Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Department of Administrative Service's Key Measures for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Data Source: Administrative data (Client Process Monitoring System)
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 5
HCBS MS Domains: Quality of Life, Safety, Health and Welfare
Populations: Elders with physical disabilities, Adults with intellectual disabilities
Developer: Oregon Department of Administrative Services
Use history: Measures developed in 2002
States Currently Using: Oregon
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: As part of a statewide effort to measure quality across all State-funded services and programs, DAS develops goals, key performance measures, and targets and identifies an agency responsible for assuring that supporting activities occur. In 2006 five measures were related to seniors and people with disabilities. Measures focused on improving seniors and people with disabilities' ability to live independently, support themselves and their families, be employed if that is their goal, and to live free from abuse. The Department's website allows users to generate reports on how well the State agency met the target for current and previous years.
Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Department of Human Service's Consumer Survey for People with Developmental Disabilities
Data Source: Consumer survey
Respondent: Consumer or proxy
Mode of Data Collection: Mail survey
Total Items/indicators: 17
HCBS MS Domains: Unmet Need, Health and Welfare, Safety, Timeliness, Effectiveness, Qualified Providers, Access, Coordination of Long-Term Care and Other Services
Populations: Adults with intellectual disabilities
Developer: Human Services Research Institute
Use history: The Department field tested the survey tool in 2005 and will use it for the first time in August 2007 for those consumers receiving supportive living Medicaid waiver services.
States Currently Using: Oregon -planned
Psychometric Testing: Field testing
Summary: Survey instrument uses a 4-point response scale and visual cues to help consumers understand and rate their satisfaction levels.
Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Department of Human Service's Consumer Survey for Seniors and People with Physical Disabilities
Data Source: Consumer survey
Respondent: Consumer or proxy
Mode of Data Collection: Mail survey
Total Items/indicators: 15
HCBS MS Domains: Unmet Need, Health and Welfare, Safety, Access, Coordination of Long-Term Care and Other Services, Timeliness, Qualified Providers
Populations: Elders with physical or cognitive disabilities, Adults with chronic physical disabilities
Developer: Human Services Research Institute
Use history: Field tested in 2005 but not currently being used.
States Currently Using: None currently
Psychometric Testing: Field testing
Summary: Survey instrument uses a 5-point response scale and prompts consumers to indicate their satisfaction with issues such as whether they have people available to help them, understand their health needs, and can go where they want.
Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Department of Human Services HCBS Waiver Consolidated Checklist for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Data Source: Administrative data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 27
HCBS MS Domains: Coordination of Long-Term Care and Other Services, Health and Welfare, Person Centeredness, Quality of Life
Populations: Adults and Children with intellectual disabilities (MRDD)
Developer: Oregon Department of Human Services
Use history: Since 2004 county service coordinators have used this tool (most recently updated in 2006) to conduct monthly case record reviews on random samples of consumers receiving residential services in either of the State's two Medicaid waivers for adults and children with MR/DD. County service coordinators are required to conduct monthly reviews of all licensed and certified foster homes for children and adults, and 24-hour residential sites serving people with developmental disabilities.
States Currently Using: Oregon
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: The tool prompts service coordinators to review and assess issues in four focus areas: 1) Medical Services 2) Behavior Services, 3) Financial and Personal Property Services, and 4) Individual Service Plans. The tool also contains six questions related to detecting potential health and safety issues. The purpose of these reviews is for service coordinators to be aware of their consumers' ongoing needs or new issues. The Department has indicated that while answers to the tool's questions provide a "snapshot in time," the information may, over time, provide indicators of progress or signal the need for change.
Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Seniors and People with Disabilities Quality Assurance (1%) Case Reviews
Data Source: Administrative data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 18 areas contain items the State uses to assess its waiver operations
HCBS MS Domains: Timeliness, Health and Safety, Quality of Life, Administrative Oversight
Populations: Elderly and Adults with physical disabilities
Developer: Oregon Department of Human Services
Use history: Local offices use this tool to conduct quarterly case record reviews on 1% of the consumers receiving services in the State's Medicaid waiver and State-funded program for the elderly and people with physical disabilities.
States Currently Using: Oregon
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: The Department maintains a database of the data collected from these case record reviews and regularly produces reports that illustrate how effectively supports coordinators are complying with administrative requirements.
Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Department of Human Services, Seniors and People with Disabilities Home and Community Based Services Review-Tool for Setting Annual Performance Measures
Data Source: Administrative data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 10
HCBS MS Domains: Administrative Oversight
Populations: Elderly and Adults with physical disabilities, Adults and children with intellectual disabilities (MRDD)
Developer: Oregon Department of Human Services
Use history: The Department selects a random sample of consumers and uses this tool to conduct its case record reviews for each of its four Medicaid waivers. An annual review has been done for years but the 2004 review was the first to use a standardized review form and a database for collecting findings. The Department aggregates the data and creates reports with statewide, regional, and waiver-specific data.
States Currently Using: Oregon
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: Results from these reviews are used to create the baseline expectation for performance across all waivers related to basic requirements such as assessment and review of recipient level of care, support planning, and offer of choice between institutional and community-based services. Results are compared with previous annual reviews and supplemented by data from other quality assurance processes to produce a more comprehensive picture of waiver service quality.
Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Department of Human Services, Seniors and People with Disabilities, Support Services Field Review Checklist
Data Source: Administrative data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 15
HCBS MS Domains: Administrative Oversight, Health and Welfare, Safety, Qualified Providers, Other: Coordination With Medical Services, Unmet Need
Populations: Elderly and Adults with physical disabilities, Adults and children with intellectual disabilities (MRDD)
Developer: Oregon Department of Human Services
Use history: Seniors and People with Disabilities Supports Coordinators use this tool to conduct case record reviews on consumers' selected based on incident reports received and an additional random sample. In 2006 the Department reviewed 5% of the total number of Medicaid consumers across nine brokerages
States Currently Using: Oregon
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: The purpose of these reviews is to assess how effectively and completely the Department's expectations for administrative and operational elements have been met.
Reviews of brokerage services are supplemented with waiver and certification reviews. Reviews have a two-part focus: 1) program and service issues, and 2) organizational issues. Results are used to create performance scores for each brokerage and a statewide average.
Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Department of Human Services Adult Protective Services Data
Data Source: Administrative data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 8
HCBS MS Domains: Health and Welfare, Safety
Populations: Adults and Elderly with physical disabilities
Developer: Oregon Department of Human Services, Adult Protective Services
Use history: Adult Protective Services collects data on an annual basis for elderly and physically disabled consumers who receive services from the State's home based program. This data is used in combination with other data sources to make assessments on quality.
States Currently Using: Oregon
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: Adult Protective Services annually collects and reports data on two categories: 1) The percentage and number of allegations statewide by reporter, investigation conclusion, reported perpetrator, and reported mistreatment; and 2) The percentage and number of victims statewide by gender, abuse status, living situation, and mistreatment type.
Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Department of Human Services, Office of Investigations and Training Statewide Data on Abuse and Neglect Allegations
Data Source: Administrative data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 19
HCBS MS Domains: Health and Welfare, Safety
Populations: Adults with mental illness and Adults with intellectual disabilities (DD)
Developer: Oregon Department of Human Services, Office of Investigations and Training
Use history: Since 1995 the Office of Investigations and Training has reported this data on annual basis for annual comparison and quality assurance purposes.
States Currently Using: Oregon
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: The Office of Investigations and Training is responsible for directly investigating or overseeing investigations for consumers with mental illness or developmental disabilities who receive State services. The reports provide charts and graphs on types of allegations and substantiation rates by county, type of abuse, and program. The 2006 report has data for the previous 10 years.
Tool or Measure Set: Oregon Department of Human Service's State Plan on Aging for the Federal Administration on Aging: Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Outcome Measures
Data Source: Administrative data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 109
HCBS MS Domains: Coordination of Long-Term Care and Other Services, Access, Safety, Health and Welfare
Populations: Elderly
Developer: An advisory committee of representatives from around the State.
Use history: About every four years, the Administration on Aging requires DHS to submit a new State Plan on Aging outlining the State's goals and objectives.
States Currently Using: Oregon
Psychometric Testing: Content validity via stakeholder involvement, other testing not specified
Summary: For its 2005-2009 State Plan on Aging, the Department has identified strategies, outcome measures, and timelines around the following 11 goals:
- Increase Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Access to Health Care
- Strengthen Supports for Older Oregonians with Mental Health Issues
- Support of Family Caregiver
- Affordable and Accessible Housing Options
- Improve Access to Transportation for Older Oregonians
- Strengthen and Increase Long-Term Care Service Resource
- Strengthen Services and Access for Low-Income, Culturally Diverse, Frail and Rural Older Oregonians
- Promote Employment Opportunities for Older Oregonians
- Increase Awareness of Abuse and Reduce Victimization of Older Oregonians
- Promote and Improve Access to Legal Assistance
- Effective and Responsive Management
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Tool or Measure Set: Pennsylvania Independent Monitoring for Quality (IM4Q)
Data Source: Consumer Survey and staff self-report
Respondent: Consumer and if consumer agrees, interviewer may contact provider, supports coordinator, county, or State staff regarding the consumer.
Mode of Data Collection: Face-to-face interviews and agency review (Habilitation Survey and Essential Data Elements)
Total Items/indicators: 81 consumer indicators, 50 indicators the review team answers reflecting on the consumer
HCBS MS Domains: Quality of Life, Person Centeredness/Autonomy, Unmet Need, Access, Safety, Qualified Providers
Populations: Adults with intellectual disabilities
Developer: Institute on Disabilities, Temple University, The Essential Data Elements (EDE) is copyrighted by the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University. For a copy please contact Ms. Celia Feinstein at shoes100@temple.edu.
Use history: Survey results are incorporated into Pennsylvania's automated Home and Community Services Information System for the Medicaid and operating agencies to use for quality improvement purposes.
States Currently Using: Pennsylvania
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: The Essential Data Elements is an expanded form of the National Core Indicators Consumer survey, containing some additional questions in the NCI domains, as well as questions answered by interviewers regarding interactions, developmental growth and other quality indicators. The EDE is administered through a face to face interview process at the person's home or other place of the person's choosing. Approximately 6,600 EDEs are done annually. The primary sample is composed of people living in small community homes, although a significant proportion of people live in other arrangements as well, including their own home and relative homes. All surveys are administered for people with mental retardation, including people in the State's MR Consolidated and PFDS waivers. EDEs are administered by Independent Monitoring for Quality Teams composed of at least one person with a disability or a family member of a person with a disability. There are 33 IM4Q Programs across the State, and approximately 700 IM4Q team members. The EDE also includes a Family Friend Guardian Survey component that is administered with the family, friend or guardian of the person, with the person's permission. This interview is done over the phone. The IM4Q Habilitation Survey is intended to assess outcomes and satisfaction of adults in nonresidential services, like people in employment, employment services, vocational training services and community skills training. The Survey is being piloted in 6 County Programs across the State. The Habilitation Survey is composed of various segments completed by the agency providing services about itself and the person receiving services, as well as by the person and family members, and the team that's doing the interviewing.
Tool or Measure Set: Certification Review Group Instrument for Waiver Administrative Entities and Bureau of Home and Community Based Services To Monitor Provider Compliance
Data Source: Administrative and Utilization data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 90
HCBS MS Domains: Health and Welfare, Coordination of Long-Term Care and Other Services, Qualified Providers, Quality of Life, Effectiveness, Timeliness, Administrative Oversight
Populations: Adults with acquired brain injuries, Adults with chronic physical conditions, Adults with intellectual disabilities
Developer: Bureau of Home and Community Based Services, Office of Social Programs, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Use history: This tool was part of the Bureau's performance management and quality improvement process for three of the HCBS waivers and one of the State-funded programs that it administers. The Bureau is in the process of standardizing its provider monitoring protocols and while this tool is not currently being used, it is anticipated that some of its questions/sections will be included in the standardized protocol.
States Currently Using: Pennsylvania (plans to incorporate portions in future reviews)
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: The monitoring tool has two focus areas: 1) record reviews of consumer eligibility/individual service plan and 2) provider compliance documentation.
Tool or Measure Set: Pennsylvania Bureau of Home and Community Based Services (BHCBS)Consumer Record Review Form
Data Source: Administrative and Utilization data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 50
HCBS MS Domains: Administrative Oversight and Timeliness
Populations: Adults with acquired brain injuries, Adults with chronic physical conditions, Adults with intellectual disabilities
Developer: Bureau of Home and Community Based Services Office of Social Programs, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Use history: This is the review instrument that BHCBS had used to complete consumer record reviews for all six of the programs (four HCBS waivers and two State-funded programs) that the Bureau administers. The Bureau is in the process of standardizing its provider monitoring protocols and while this tool is not currently being used, it is anticipated that some of its questions/sections will be included in the standardized protocol.
States Currently Using: Pennsylvania (plans to incorporate portions in future reviews)
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: Review questions focus on identifying the presence/absence of required forms in consumers' case records, monitoring visits made according to Bureau standards, and assessments and service plans containing the required elements.
Tool or Measure Set: Pennsylvania Bureau of Home and Community Based Services Attendant Care Program Monitoring Instrument
Data Source: Administrative and Utilization data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: This monitoring instrument's questions all require either a date or narrative response.
HCBS MS Domains: Access, Qualified Providers, Health and Welfare, Administrative Oversight
Populations: Adults with chronic physical conditions
Developer: Bureau of Home and Community Based Services, Office of Social Programs, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Use history: This is the monitoring instrument that BHCBS had used for conducting provider reviews for one of its HCBS waivers and one of its State-funded programs. The Bureau is in the process of standardizing its provider monitoring protocols and while this tool is not currently being used, it is anticipated that some of its questions/sections will be included in the standardized protocol.
States Currently Using: Pennsylvania (plans to incorporate portions in future reviews)
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: In each of this instrument's four focus areas, 1) Service Requirements, 2) Service Delivery, 3) Personnel, and 4) Administration, reviewers are prompted to describe providers' processes for different waiver operations areas, i.e., outreach and intake, consumer eligibility, explaining service options to consumers, usage of tickler reminder systems.
Tool or Measure Set: Pennsylvania Office of Social Programs, Bureau of Home and Community Based Services, Consumer Services Survey for Attendant Care Programs
Data Source: Consumer survey
Respondent: Consumer
Mode of Data Collection: Mail survey
Total Items/indicators: 26
HCBS MS Domains: Unmet Needs, Health and Welfare, Safety, Timeliness, Qualified Providers, Quality of Life
Populations: Adults with chronic physical conditions
Developer: Bureau of Home and Community Based Services, Office of Social Programs, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Use history: The Bureau has used this satisfaction survey annually from 2004-2006 with consumers in one of its HCBS waivers and one of its State-funded programs. BHCBS has two similar surveys specific to the other populations it serves and in 2006 mailed out a total of 7503 consumer satisfaction surveys. The Bureau is in the process of standardizing its monitoring protocols and while this tool is not currently being used, it is anticipated that some of its questions/sections will be included in the standardized protocol.
States Currently Using: Pennsylvania (plans to incorporate portions in future reviews)
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: This survey contains sets of questions that ask consumers to rate their satisfaction with the services they receive, their provider agency, their direct care worker, and their service coordinator using a 5-point Likert response scale. Consumers are also asked to indicate who hired their attendant-an agency, themselves, or both.
Tool or Measure Set: Pennsylvania Office of Social Programs, Bureau of Home and Community Based Services, Consumer Services Survey for People with Physical Disabilities Programs
Data Source: Consumer survey
Respondent: Consumer
Mode of Data Collection: Mail survey
Total Items/indicators: 26
HCBS MS Domains: Unmet Needs, Health and Welfare, Safety, Timeliness, Qualified Providers, Quality of Life
Populations: Adults with physical disabilities, Adults with intellectual disabilities, Adults with acquired brain injuries
Developer: Bureau of Home and Community Based Services, Office of Social Programs, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Use history: The Bureau has used this participant satisfaction survey annually from 2004-2006 with consumers in three of its HCBS waivers and one of its State-funded programs. BHCBS has two similar surveys specific to the other populations it serves and in 2006 mailed out a total of 7503 consumer satisfaction surveys. BHCBS is in the process of standardizing its monitoring protocols and while this tool is not currently being used, it is anticipated that some of its questions/sections will be included in the standardized protocol.
States Currently Using: Pennsylvania (plans to incorporate portions in future reviews)
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: This survey contains sets of questions that ask consumers to rate their satisfaction with the services they receive, their provider agency, their direct care worker, and their service coordinator using a 5-point Likert response scale. Consumers are also asked to indicate who hired their attendant-an agency, themselves, or both.
Tool or Measure Set: Pennsylvania Office of Social Programs, Bureau of Home and Community Based Services, Consumer Services Survey for CommCare Waiver (People with Traumatic Brain Injuries Waiver)
Data Source: Consumer survey
Respondent: Consumer
Mode of Data Collection: Mail survey
Total Items/indicators: 26
HCBS MS Domains: Person Centeredness/Autonomy, Unmet Needs, Health and Welfare, Safety, Timeliness, Qualified Providers, Quality of Life
Populations: Adults with acquired brain injuries
Developer: Bureau of Home and Community Based Services, Office of Social Programs, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare
Use history: The Bureau has used this participant satisfaction survey annually from 2004-2006 with consumers in its HCBS waiver. BHCBS has two similar surveys specific to the other populations it serves and in 2006 mailed out a total of 7503 consumer satisfaction surveys. BHCBS is in the process of standardizing its monitoring protocols and while this tool is not currently being used, it is anticipated that some of its questions/sections will be included in the standardized protocol.
States Currently Using: Pennsylvania (plans to incorporate portions in future reviews)
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: This survey contains sets of statements that prompt consumers to indicate yes/no that they are satisfied with the services they receive, their provider agency, their direct care worker, and their service coordinator.
Tool or Measure Set: Pennsylvania's Physical Disabilities/Aging Waiver Survey
Data Source: Consumer interview
Respondent: Consumers and/or consumer's caregiver
Mode of Data Collection: Face-to-face interview
Total Items/indicators: 17
HCBS MS Domains: Effectiveness, Health and Welfare, Safety, Quality of Life
Populations: Adults with chronic physical conditions, Elders with physical disabilities
Developer: Pennsylvania Department of Aging, Division of Quality and Compliance
Use history: The division finalized and used the tool for the first time in May 2006. 52 Area Agencies on Aging conducted interviews with 2,000 waiver participants.
States Currently Using: Pennsylvania plans to use a revised version of this tool.
Psychometric Testing: The Department determined that the survey results were not reliable and is contacting a consultant to revamp the survey
Summary: The majority of interview questions focused on identifying numbers of hospitalizations, emergency room visits, and nursing home stays before and after being enrolled in the waiver program.
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Rhode Island
Tool or Measure Set: Rhode Island Aged and Disabled Waiver Performance Indicators
Data Source: Multiple: record review, Medicaid Management Information System, consumer survey, and risk factor worksheet
Respondent: Consumer (for survey)
Mode of Data Collection: Face-to-face interview
Total Items/indicators: 19 indicators
HCBS MS Domains: Access, Unmet Need, Person Centeredness/Autonomy, Health and Welfare, Administrative Oversight
Populations: Elders with physical and cognitive impairments, adults with physical disabilities
Developer: Rhode Island Department of Human Services, Center for Adult Health
Use history: Used with four waivers: Assisted Living, Elderly, Disabled, Aged and Disabled. Using the review tools in its quality management strategy (including a 9-item consumer survey) the Department's goal is to conduct 10 reviews per waiver each quarter. The resulting data are used for quality assurance purposes.
States Currently Using: Rhode Island
Psychometric Testing: No
Summary: Monthly sampling includes one person selected from those showing the highest possible modified Minimum Data Set for Home Care Cognition score (indicating possible risk factor from inability to realize consequences of decisions), one from a listing of those authorized more than thirty hours of home health services each week (indicating possible risk factor as a result of impairment causing such a high need for services), and three persons will be drawn randomly from the waiver population. These reviews provide data that can be used as evidence for the CMS assurances.
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South Carolina
Tool or Measure Set: South Carolina DHHS Financial Recoupment Indicators for First Health Reviews of the MRDD Waiver
Data Source: Data are collected by contracting quality improvement organization (QIO)
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 25 indicators
HCBS MS Domains: Administrative Oversight, Timeliness
Populations: Individuals with intellectual disabilities
Developer: South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special
Needs, in collaboration with the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI)
Use history: The state is in the process of revising its quality management processes. Previously there was no capability to summarize data across providers and all problems were identified. The State is now moving to focus only on the CMS assurances.
States Currently Using: South Carolina
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: HSRI identified 300 potential indicators for the Head Injury and MRDD programs; the State is focusing on approximately 30. Indicators are divided between Early Intervention indicators and General Agency indicators. All are considered "recoupable" by the State; most are related to adequacy of documentation and frequency of review.
Tool or Measure Set: South Carolina DHHS Financial Recoupment Indicators for First Health Reviews of the Head and Spinal Cord Injury Waiver
Data Source: Data are collected by contracting quality improvement organization (QIO)
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 25 indicators
HCBS MS Domains: Financial Oversight, Timeliness
Populations: Individuals with acquired head injuries and spinal cord injuries
Developer: South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special
Needs, in collaboration with the Human Services Research Institute
Use history: The State is in the process of revising its quality management processes. Previously there was no capability to summarize data across providers and all problems were identified. The State is now moving to focus only on the CMS assurances.
States Currently Using: South Carolina
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: HSRI identified 300 potential indicators for the Head Injury and MRDD programs; the State is focusing on approximately 30. Indicators are divided between Early Intervention indicators and General Agency indicators. All are considered "recoupable" by the State; most are related to adequacy of documentation and frequency of review.
Tool or Measure Set: South Carolina Community Long-Term Care Case Review Indicators
Data Source: Data obtained from combination of regional office level review tools and central office level review tools for both case managers and nurses, as well as complaint data
Respondent: N/A
Mode of Data Collection: N/A
Total Items/indicators: 32 indicators
HCBS MS Domains: Unmet Need, Person Centeredness/Autonomy, Timeliness
Populations: Elders and adults with physical disabilities, adults with HIV/AIDS, individuals dependent on a ventilator
Developer: South Carolina Division of Community Long-Term Care
Use history: Indicators are collected, using multiple review tools, for three HCBS waivers: elderly/disabled; HIV/AIDS; and ventilator-dependent. Case reviews are conducted for each regional office; results are used to provide feedback to the regional offices for corrective planning, as well as to generate statewide profiles. Aggregate data reported monthly.
States Currently Using: South Carolina
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: Indicators primarily relate to the thoroughness of the service plan, and its correlation with individual consumer need and state policies and procedures. State is also working on new review tools and indicators.
Tool or Measure Set: South Carolina Community Choices Consumer Satisfaction Survey
Data Source: Consumer Survey
Respondent: Consumer
Mode of Data Collection: Telephone interview
Total Items/indicators: 24 items
HCBS MS Domains: Quality of Life, Effectiveness, Person Centeredness/Autonomy, Health and Welfare
Populations: Adults with physical disabilities
Developer: Winthrop University Department of Social Work, under contract to the State of South Carolina
Use history: Tool was copyrighted in 2006; survey is conducted annually with a random sample of participants. There are approximately 10,000 people served through this program.
States Currently Using: South Carolina
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: Items are a mixture of forced choice responses, satisfaction ratings using a 9-point Likert-type scale, and numeric responses. Examples include "What one service do you think least helps you live in your home" and "When you need to talk with your case manager, generally, how long does it take before you can talk with him/her?"
Tool or Measure Set: South Carolina HIV/AIDS Consumer Satisfaction Survey
Data Source: Consumer Survey
Respondent: Consumer
Mode of Data Collection: Face-to-face structured interview
Total Items/indicators: 26 close-ended items, plus additional narrative items
HCBS MS Domains: Quality of Life, Effectiveness, Person Centeredness/Autonomy, Health and Welfare
Populations: Adults with HIV/AIDS
Developer: Winthrop University Department of Social Work, under contract to the State of South Carolina
Use history: Tool was copyrighted in 2006-07; survey is conducted annually with a random sample of program participants.
States Currently Using: South Carolina
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: Items are a mixture of forced choice responses, satisfaction ratings using a 9-point Likert-type scale, and numeric responses. Examples include "Thinking about your experiences in the program, generally, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the CLTC [community long-term care] services you receive" and "Within the last month, how many social activities did you participate in, at, or outside your home?"
Tool or Measure Set: South Carolina Ventilator-Dependent Consumer Satisfaction Survey
Data Source: Consumer Survey
Respondent: Consumer
Mode of Data Collection: Face-to-face structured interview
Total Items/indicators: 24 items
HCBS MS Domains: Quality of Life, Effectiveness, Person Centeredness/Autonomy, Health and Welfare
Populations: Adults with physical disabilities
Developer: Winthrop University Department of Social Work, under contract to the State of South Carolina
Use history: Tool was copyrighted in 2006-07; survey is conducted annually with all waiver participants.
States Currently Using: South Carolina
Psychometric Testing: Not specified
Summary: Items are a mixture of forced choice responses, satisfaction ratings using a 9-point Likert-type scale, and numeric responses. Examples include "How often do you feel your nurse consultant listens to you and responds to your concerns and needs" and "Do you think there is a service you do not receive that will help you meet your needs better?"