- No documented evidence of psychometric testing.
- Content validity: Documented evidence (in the public domain) that the measure was developed in collaboration with stakeholders (without any of the below testing performed).
- Evidence of some instrument testing. This could include focus groups, or cognitive-, pilot- or pretesting the instrument with respondents (no quantifiable statistical measure of testing results reported). Evidence of testing documented in the public domain.
- Reliability and/or validity testing: Testing results reported as a quantifiable statistical measure. Documented evidence of testing in public domain or provided to AHRQ in response to AHRQ's Call for Measures. Documented in the public domain includes a peer-reviewed journal or in a technical report available on the Web for public review. If this type of testing was conducted, but the actual statistical measure was not reported, it would be coded to the previous category.
- Designed/tested for persons receiving institutional care (nursing home, inpatient hospital, etc.).
- Designed/tested for community dwelling non-HCBS-specific population (e.g., a National Committee for Quality Assurance health plan measure or one for home health, physical therapy, rehabilitation).
- Designed/tested for one low-prevalence HCBS population (i.e., substance abuse, HIV, chronically mentally ill, children, or traumatic brain injury).
- Designed/tested for one high-prevalence HCBS population (individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities or older adults or individuals with physical disabilities).
- Designed/tested for more than one HCBS population (i.e., two or more of the populations referenced in categories 3 or 4).
- Requires survey data collection from multiple respondents (to construct the measure about a single beneficiary).
- Requires administrative data from multiple organizational sources.
- Requires survey data collection from a single survey respondent.
- Requires administrative data collection from single organizational source (e.g., claims, hospital discharge, critical event reporting systems).
- No indication of use by any State program providing (or financing) community-based services to people with disabilities.
- Used in multiple clinical settings; use is documented in the public domain.
- Used in one State only.
- Used in 2-4 States.
- Used by 5 or more States or (a) used by the National Committee for Quality Assurance for a health plan measure or (b) used by a Federal Government agency across multiple States.