This chart begins with two grey boxes at the top; one reads "Fall in facility" and the other reads "History of fall at home, hospital, ALF [assisted living facility], or other NH [nursing home]."
Lines lead down from both boxes to Box 1, containing the text, "1. Immediate intervention within 24 hours of admission." Beside Box 1 is another grey box that reads "Falls RAP trigger but no fall in past 180 days." Arrows point down from this box and Box 1 to Box 2, which contains the text, "2. Falls Assessment."
Arrows point down from Box 2 to two boxes that contains the text, "3. Falls Intervention Plan" and "3. Resident Care Plan."
Arrows point down from "3. Falls Intervention Plan" to Box 4, which contains the text, "4. Falls Intervention Monitor." Arrows point down from Box 4 to a box that contains the text, "5. Monitor weekly X4, then every 2 weeks X4. Update Falls Intervention Plan as needed." An arrow points down from "3. Resident Care Plan" to a a box that contains the text, "5. Review quarterly."
Arrows point down from "5. Monitor weekly X4, then every 2 weeks X4. Update Falls Intervention Plan as needed" to Box 6, which contains the text, "6. After 3 months with no fall, monitor every 4 weeks and update Falls Intervention Plan as needed."
Arrows point down from Box 6 to Box 7, which contains the text, "7. After 6 months with no fall, review with MDS [Minimum Data Set]/Care Plan and update quarterly."
Arrows point down from both Box 7 and "5. Review quarterly" to the box at the bottom of the chart, which reads "If resident falls, go back to #2 to revise Falls Intervention Plan and monitor weekly."