CHIPRA Activities
2012-2013 Activities—Child Core Set Update
As required by CHIPRA, CMS advised State Medicaid and CHIP programs of changes to the initial core set. Select (166 KB) for the letter to State health officials (SHO letter), which includes a link to a background paper, Recommendations to Improve Children's Health Care Quality Measures: Background Report on the 2012 Process.
Select for the candidate measure submission form (CPCF) used by COEs to submit measures and by the Subcommittee on Quality Measures for Children's Healthcare (SNAC) to assess submitted measures. The CPCF was approved by OMB in December 2012. Select for the Federal Register announcement for public nomination of measures.
2013-2014 Activities: Measure Retirement and Update to the Child Core Set
In 2013, AHRQ, CMS, and the 2013 AHRQ SNAC collaborated in an effort to identify measures from the initial child core set published in 2009 for potential retirement. Periodic reassessment of measures' importance, scientific acceptability, feasibility, and usability is part of a life-cycle approach to quality measurement. AHRQ, CMS, and the 2013 SNAC identified criteria that could be used to assess potential measures for retirement and an analytic approach to getting and assessing detailed information for assessing 20 of the initial child core measures against the agreed-upon criteria. AHRQ and its contractor RTI gathered, interpreted, and conveyed information to the 2013 SNAC, and the SNAC used the information in two rounds of scoring using a modified Delphi approach. SNAC recommendations were communicated to CMS in late October. CMS took the recommendations into consideration as it informed States and the public about improvements to the child core set by January 2014 as required by the CHIPRA legislation.
Select for the background report for more information on the process used by the SNAC to identify measures for retirement, as well as the discussion and rationale related to each measure.
Select for the CMS recommendations to State Medicaid/CHIP Programs (PDF File, 117 KB).