Candidate Measure Submission Form (CPCF)
CHIPRA Pediatric Quality Measures Program (PQMP)
Section VII. Identification of Disparities
CHIPRA requires that quality measures be able to identify disparities by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and special health care needs. Thus, we strongly encourage nominators to have tested measures in diverse populations. Such testing provides evidence for assessing measure's performance for disparities identification. In the sections below, describe the results of efforts to demonstrate the capacity of this measure to produce results that can be stratified by the characteristics noted and retain the scientific soundness (reliability and validity) within and across the relevant subgroups.
VII.A. Race/Ethnicity
«Race_Ethnicity_Diversity_In_Measure_Testing» Character limit: 7500
+ Opportunity to upload attachment.
VII.B. Special Health Care Needs
«Special_Health_Care_Need_Diversity_In_Measure_Testing» Character limit: 7500
+ Opportunity to upload attachment.
VII.C. Socioeconomic Status
«SES_Diversity_In_Measure_Testing» Character limit: 7500
+ Opportunity to upload attachment.
VII.D. Rurality/Urbanicity
«Rurality/Urbanicity_In_Measure_Testing» Character limit: 7500
+ Opportunity to upload attachment.
VII.E. Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Populations
«LEP_In_Measure_Testing» Character limit: 7500
+ Opportunity to upload attachment.