Guide for Developing a Community-Based Patient Safety Advisory Council
We are in the midst of an exciting national movement, endorsed by health care entities and patients alike, to engage patients and families as partners with their health care providers. Including patients in the design and implementation of initiatives to improve patient safety has given new meaning to patient-centered care.
Aurora Health Care, in collaboration with Consumers Advancing Patient Safety and Midwest Airlines, implemented a patient partnership model as an intervention to improve medication safety in the outpatient setting. Bringing patients and health care providers together with a common goal offered the opportunity for collaboration and insight to the needs of our patients.
We are proud of the time, talent, and wisdom that the Walworth County, Wisconsin, Patient Safety Council invested in developing and implementing tools to improve medication safety in the outpatient setting. It was a truly phenomenal committee and provided the rewarding experience of doing something worthwhile to help patients manage their medications safely. These individuals used their personal insights, knowledge, and experience to create a safer environment for patients. They were recognized locally by the Walworth County Board of Supervisors and nationally by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices 2007 Cheers Award. As one nurse put it so succinctly, "We are finally listening to our patients." We hope this guide will help others learn to listen.