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Search Publications
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)'s publications offer practical information to help a variety of health care organizations, providers, and others make care safer in all health care settings.
Disaster Alternate Care Facilities: Report and Interactive Tools
A public health emergency can strain the capacity of hospitals and other traditional venues for medical services. In such emergencies, it may be necessary to select alternate facilities for providing medical care. The report beginning below, and the related interactive computer tools, will help institutions and communities select alternate care facilities and determine which patients to send to them. The two new interactive tools are Disaster Alternate Care Facility Selection Tool and an ancillary tool, Alternate Care Facility Patient Selection Tool
Publication Date: Publication Number: 09-0062
Your Guide to Preventing and Treating Blood Clots
This guide describes ways to prevent and treat blood clots; symptoms; and medication side effects as well as when to go to the emergency room.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 09-0067-C
Support and Advice From Your Clinician
Quitting takes hard work and a lot of effort, but the benefits are explained below, as are the key steps to quitting successfully.
All information is based on scientific research about what will give you the best chances of quitting.
Publication Date: Publication Number: AHRQ0809-0092-A
You Can Quit Smoking
Support and advice from a prenatal care provider
Publication Date: Publication Number: AHRQ0809-0091-A
Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches
Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches represents years of study by AHRQ-funded patient safety researchers and others. It includes articles on reporting systems, risk assessment, safety culture, medical simulation, patient safety tools and practices, health information technology, medication safety, and other topics related to improving patient safety.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 08-0034-1
Hispanic Diabetes Disparities Learning Network in Community Health Centers
Hispanics have a higher prevalence of diabetes and are disproportionately burdened with the complications and disability from diabetes. This report describes the development of a learning network project that included interventions and needs assessments at community health centers to help reduce the diabetes disparity in the Hispanic population.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 08-0044-EF
How to Create a Pill Card
This guide helps users create an easy-to-use "pill card" for patients, parents, or anyone who has a hard time keeping track of their medicines. Step-by-step instructions, sample clip art, and suggestions for design and use will help to customize a reminder card.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 08-M016
Patient Self-Management Support Programs: An Evaluation
This report identifies and examines the factors that purchasers and builders of patient self-management support programs should consider when they are deciding on program components. It is based on a literature review and interviews with self-management support experts to identify and evaluate a range of program models and their features. Key findings and recommendations for developing a self-management support program are discussed.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 08-0011
Is Our Pharmacy Meeting Patients' Needs? Pharmacy Health Literacy Assessment Tool User's Guide
This pharmacy health literacy tool was designed to capture perspectives of three critical audiences-objective auditors, pharmacy staff, and patients. The three parts of the assessment are complementary and designed to form a comprehensive assessment.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 07-0051
Strategies To Improve Communication Between Pharmacy Staff and Patients: Training Program for Pharmacy Staff
This training program is designed to introduce pharmacists to the problem of low health literacy in patient populations and to identify the implications of this problem for the delivery of healthcare services. The program also explains techniques that pharmacy staff members can use to improve communication with patients who may have limited health literacy skills.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 07(08)-0051-1-EF