Inspect outside of proposed surge facility, including condition of external structure. Also inspect surge facility site, including external buildings, parking, and neighborhood. Special considerations include vehicle access and issues presented by the neighborhood.
Date: __________________ Location: __________________________ Team Member:______________________
Building Exterior
General structural condition
Control of building access
Doors and Windows
Keyless access: | |
Security guards? | |
Locks: | |
Keys available: | |
Currently monitored? |
Signs of illegal entry/use:
Accessibility and Security
Walk-in entrances: | |
Signage: | |
Ambulance access: | |
Loading Dock: | |
Fire escape and other means of egress: |
Electronic Access
Card Readers: | |
Cameras/Monitoring Devices (note locations): |
Decontamination set-up potential
Ability to create secure zone: