Browse or search for publications about the development and use of SOPS surveys and other topics related to assessing patient safety culture.
201-250 of 478 Bibliography Items displayed
Arrieta A, Suarez G, Hakim G. Assessment of patient safety culture in private and public hospitals in Peru. Intl J Qual Health Care. 2018, 30(3): 186-191.
Amiri M, Khademian Z, Nikandish R. The effect of nurse empowerment educational program on patient safety culture: A randomized controlled trial. BMC Med Educ. 2018, 18(1): 158.
Curran C, Lydon S, Kelly M, et al. A systematic review of primary care safety climate survey instruments: Their origins, psychometric properties, quality, and usage. J Patient Saf. 2018, 14(2): e9-e18.
Alsalem G, Bowie P, Morrison J. Assessing safety climate in acute hospital settings: A systematic review of the adequacy of the psychometric properties of survey measurement tools. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018, 18(1): 353.
Rajalatchumi A, Ravikumar TS, Muruganandham K, et al. Perception of patient safety culture among health-care providers in a tertiary care hospital, South India. J Nat Sci Biol Med . 2018, 9(1): 14-18.
Campione J, Famolaro T. Promising practices for improving hospital patient safety culture. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2018, 44(1): 23-32.
Edwards MT. An assessment of the impact of Just Culture on quality and safety in US hospitals. Am J Med Qual. 2018, 33(5): 502-508.
Bilello LA, Scuderi C, Haddad CJ, et al. Practice transformation: Using team-based care training to improve diabetes outcomes. J Prim Care & Community Health. 2018, 9: 1-5.
Hessels AJ, Murray MT, Cohen B, et al. Perception of patient safety culture in pediatric long-term care settings. J Healthc Qual. 2018, 40(6): 384-391.
Zaheer S, Ginsburg LR, Wong HJ, et al. Importance of safety climate, teamwork climate, and demographics: Understanding nurses, allied health professionals, and clerical staff perceptions of patient safety. BMJ Open Qual. 2018, 7: 1-8.
Ali H, Ibrahem SZ, Al Mudaf B, et al. Baseline assessment of patient safety culture in public hospitals in Kuwait. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018, 18(1): 158.
Piper D, Lea J, Woods C, et al. The impact of patient safety culture on handover in rural health facilities. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018, 18(1): 889.
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Okuyama JHH, Galvao TF, Silva MT. Healthcare professional's perception of patient safety measured by the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture: A systematic review and meta-analysis. ScientificWorldJournal. 2018, 2018: 9156301.
Lee SE, Vincent C, Dahinten VS, et al. Effects of individual nurse and hospital characteristics on patient adverse events and quality of care: A multilevel analysis. J Nurs Scholarsh. 2018, 50(4): 432-440.
Titlestad I, Haugstvedt A, Igland J, et al. Patient safety culture in nursing homes – A cross-sectional study among nurses and nursing aides caring for residents with diabetes. BMC Nurs. 2018, 17: 36.
Tereanu C, Smith SA, Ghelase MS, et al. Psychometric properties of the Romanian Version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPS). Maedica (Buchar) . 2018, 13(1): 34-43.
Stoyanova R, Dimova R, Tamovska M, et al. Linguistic validation and cultural adaptation of Bulgarian version of Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC). Maced J Med Sci. 2018, 6(5): 925-930.
Sorskar LIK, Abrahamsen EB, Olsen E, et al. Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the hospital survey on patient safety culture in a prehospital environment. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018, 18(1): 784.
Smith SN, Greene MT, Mody L, et al. Evaluation of the association between Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture (NHSOPS) measures and catheter-associated urinary tract infections: Results of a national collaborative. BMJ Qual Saf. 2018, 27(6): 464-473.
Sloane DM, Smith HL, McHugh MD, et al. Effect of changes in hospital nursing resources on improvements in patient safety and quality of care. Med Care. 2018, 56(12): 1001-1008.
Simons P, Houben R, Reijnders P, et al. A factorial survey on safety behavior providing opportunities to improve safety. J Patient Saf. 2018, 14(4): 193-201.
Shahian DM, Liu X, Rossi LP, et al. Safety culture and mortality after acute myocardial infarction: A study of medicare beneficiaries at 171 hospitals. Health Serv Res. 2018, 53(2): 606-631.
Richter JP, McAlearney AS. Targeted implementation of the Comprehensive Unit-Based Safety Program through an assessment of safety culture to minimize central line-associated bloodstream infections. Health Care Manage Rev. 2018, 43(1): 42-49.
Reis CT, Paiva SG, Sousa P. The patient safety culture: A systematic review by characteristics of hospital survey on patient safety culture dimensions. Intl J Qual Health Care. 2018, 30(9): 660-677.
Ramos RR, Calidgid CC. Patient safety culture among nurses at a tertiary government hospital in the Philippines. Appl Nurs Res. 2018, 44: 67-75.
Raeissi P, Reisi N, Nasiripour AA. Assessment of patient safety culture in Iranian academic hospitals: Strengths and weaknesses. J Patient Saf. 2018, 14(4): 213-226.
Najjar S, Baillien E, Vanhaecht K, et al. Similarities and differences in the associations between patient safety culture dimensions and self-reported outcomes in two different cultural settings: A national cross-sectional study in Palestinian and Belgian hospitals. BMJ Open. 2018, 8(7).
McCurdy RK, Encinosa WE. Are medical offices ready for value-based reimbursement? Staff perceptions of a workplace climate for value and efficiency. Am J Accountable Care. 2018, 6(2): 11-19.
Lin DM, Carson KA, Lubomski LH, et al. Statewide collaborative to reduce surgical site infection: Results of the Hawaii Surgical Unit-based Safety Program. J Am Coll Surg. 2018, 227(2): 189-197.
Richter J, Mazurenko O, Kazley AS, et al. How differences between manager and clinician perceptions of safety culture impact hospital processes of care. J Patient Saf. 2017 Nov 4
Gartshore E, Waring J, Timmons S. Patient safety culture in care homes for older people: A scoping review. BMC Health Serv Res. 2017, 17(1): 752.
Bump GM, Coots N, Liberi CA, et al. Comparing trainee and staff perceptions of patient safety culture. Acad Med. 2017, 92(1): 116-122.
Giai J, Boussat B, Occelli P, et al. Hospital survey on patient safety culture (HSOPS): Variability of scoring strategies. Int J Qual Health Care. 2017, 29(5): 685-692.
Banaszak-Holl J, Reichert H, Greene MT, et al. Do safety culture scores in nursing homes depend on job role and ownership? Results from a national survey. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017, 65(10): 2244-2250.
Musso MW, Vath RJ, Rabalais LS, et al. Improving patient safety communication in residency programs by incorporating patient safety discussions into rounds. Ochsner J. 2017, 17(3): 273-276.
Olds DM, Aiken LH, Cimiotti JP, et al. Association of nurse work environment and safety climate on patient mortality: A cross-sectional study. Int J Nurs Stud . 2017, 74: 155-161.
Brborović H, Brborović O. Patient safety culture shapes presenteeism and absenteeism: A cross-sectional study among Croatian healthcare workers. Arch Industr Hygiene Toxicol . 2017, 68(3): 185-189.
Luong QD. Assessing the perceptions of the healthcare workforce towards the patient safety culture in Vietnamese hospitals. International Surgery. 2017, : 1-51.
Hefner JL, Hilligoss B, Knupp A, et al. Cultural transformation after implementation of Crew Resource Management: Is it really possible?. Am J Med Qual. 2017, 32(4): 384-390.
Hessels AJ, Agarwal M, Saiman L, et al. Measuring patient safety culture in pediatric long-term care. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2017, 10(2): 81-87.
Mallouli M, Tlili MA, Aouicha W, et al. Assessing patient safety culture in Tunisian operating rooms: A multicenter study. Int J Qual Healthcare. 2017 April 1, 29(2): 176-182.
Norman RM, Sjetne IS. Measuring nurses perception of work environment: A scoping review of questionnaires. BMC Nurs. 2017, 16.
Sfantou DF, Laliotis A, Patelarou AE, et al. Importance of leadership style towards quality of care measures in healthcare settings: A systematic review. Healthcare . 2017, 5(4): 73.
Chinthammit C, Rupp MT, Armstrong EP, et al. Evaluation of a guided continuous quality improvement program in community pharmacies. J Pharm Policy Pract . 2017, 10: 26.
Herner SJ, Rawlings JE, Swartzendruber K, et al. Pharmacy Survey on Patient Safety Culture: Benchmarking results. J Patient Saf. 2017, 13(1): 37-42.