Comparative Reports on Nursing Homes
The following reports are examples of comparative information on the quality of care provided by nursing homes.
Report Title: Nursing Home Compare
Website: Accessed July 21, 2022.
Developer: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Developer type: Federal government
Location: National
Synopsis: Nursing Home Compare presents information on the quality of care provided by more than 15, 000 Medicare and Medicaid-participating nursing homes. Information presented on the website includes five-star quality ratings of overall and individual performance on health inspections, staffing ratings, quality measures, COVID-19 vaccination and booster rates, fire safety inspections and emergency preparedness, and penalties.. Performance scores are displayed using star ratings, with five stars for the best performance and one star for the worst performance. Scores are also available in percent form and displayed in tables and graphs.
Report Title: Minnesota Nursing Home Report Card
Website: Accessed July 21, 2022.
Developer: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS)
Developer type: State agencies
Location: Minnesota
Synopsis: The Minnesota Nursing Home Report Card provides information on the performance of nursing homes that participate in the Medical Assistance Program in Minnesota (separated by long stay and short stay nursing homes). Nursing homes are assigned scores on the following quality measures: resident satisfaction and quality of life, family satisfaction, state inspection results, , hours of direct care, staff retention, use of temporary nursing staff, and proportion of beds in single bedrooms. The Minnesota Nursing Home Report Card also uses star ratings to summarize the performance of nursing homes on the seven quality measures, with one star as the lowest score and five stars as the highest. More detailed information is available for the exact scores that underlie the star ratings, as well as tables showing results for quality of life and clinical quality indicators. Performance information can be printed or downloaded in Excel.
Report Title: Nursing Home Summary Report
Website: Accessed July 21, 2022.
Developer: State of Rhode Island Department of Health
Developer type: State agency
Location: Rhode Island
Synopsis: The Nursing Home Summary Report contains information about the quality of care provided by nursing homes in Rhode Island, including information on resident satisfaction, family satisfaction and care outcomes. The report summarizes information from the Rhode Island Department of Health and Medicare. The measures that are reported include facility measures, such as number of beds and skilled beds, secure dementia unit, and Medicare and Medicaid certifications; and quality measures, such as staffing, health inspections, resident and family satisfaction, and health care workers who received influenza vaccination. Performance on quality measures is scored using a five-star rating, with one star for much below average performance and five stars for much above average performance. The report is available online in PDF form.
Report Title: Maryland Quality Reporting
Website: Accessed July 21, 2022.
Developer: Maryland Health Care Commission
Developer type: State agency
Location: Maryland
Synopsis: Maryland Quality Reporting is a website with information on health plans and different types of providers, including different types of long-term care facilities. Users of this report can compare nursing homes based on their overall quality of care, resident and family experience with care, staffing, and other pertinent measures. The information in this report is obtained from yearly health and safety inspections done by the state, as well as monthly information submitted by nursing homes to the federal government. Nursing home performance is rated using a five-star rating system, with one star for much below average performance and five stars for much above average performance.
Report Title: Care Pathways
Website: Accessed July 21, 2022.
Developer Type: Small business
Location: National
Synopsis: Care Pathways has developed a tool called Nursing Home Inspector that reports on the performance of every Medicare/Medicaid certified nursing home in the United States. Information reported on nursing homes includes number of beds, nearest dialysis facility, types of councils, insurance accepted, special focuses, type of ownership, inspection deficiency details, staffing details such as average hours worked per day per residents for RNs, LPNs, LVNs and CNAs, and quality measures for residents, including percent of residents with pressure sores, behavioral symptoms, and physical restraints. The website uses star ratings to summarize the overall performance of nursing homes, with one star as the lowest score and five stars as the highest. Users can see a facility’s performance as compared to county and state averages. The performance of nursing homes is displayed on the website using numeric data, bar graphs, and symbols.