TeamSTEPPS Research/Evidence Base: Anesthesiology
Chopra, V., Bovill, J., & Spierdijk, J. (1992). Reported significant observations during aneasthesia: A prospective analysis over an 18-month period. British Medical Journal 68, 13-7. Select to access the abstract.
Fletcher, G., Flin, R., McGeorge, P., Glavin, R., Maran, N., & Patey, R. (2003). Anaesthestists' non-technical skills (ANTS) evaluation of a behavioural marker system. British Journal of Anaesthesiology 90(5), 580-8. Select to access the abstract.
Flin, R., Fletcher, G., McGeorge, P., Sutherland, A., & Patey R. (2003). Anaesthetists' attitudes to teamwork and safety.Anaesthesiology 58, 233-42. Select to access the abstract.
Gaba, D. (1989). Human error in anesthetic mishaps. International Anesthesiology Clinics 27(3), 137-47. Select to access the abstract.
Gaba, D. M., Fish, K. J., & Howard, S. K. (1994). Crisis management in anesthesiology. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
Gaba, D. M., Howard, S. K., Fish, K. J., Smith, B. E., & Sowb, Y. A. (2001). Simulation-based training in anesthesia crisis resource management (ACRM): A decade of experience. Simulation Gaming 32, 175-93. Select to access the abstract .
Gaba, D. M., Howard, S. K., & Small, S. D. (1995). Situation awareness in anesthesiology. Human Factors 37, 20-31. Select to access the abstract.
Howard, S., Gaba, D., Fish, K., Yang, G., & Sarnquist, F. (1992). Anesthesia crisis resource management training: Teaching anesthesiologists to handle critical incidents. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 63(9), 763-70. Select to access the abstract.
Lingard L, Regehr G, Orser B, et al. (2008). Evaluation of a preoperative checklist and team briefing among surgeons, nurses, and anesthesiologists to reduce failures in communication. Archives of Surgery 143(1), 12-17. Select to access the abstract.
Russell, R., Burke, K., & Gattis, K. (2013). Implementing a regional anesthesia block nurse team in the perianesthesia care unit increases patient safety and perioperative efficiency. Journal Of Perianesthesia Nursing: Official Journal Of The American Society Of Perianesthesia Nurses / American Society Of Perianesthesia Nurses 28(1), 3-10. Select to access the abstract.
Shear, T. D., Greenberg, S. B., & Tokarczyk, A. (2013). Does training with human patient simulation translate to improved patient safety and outcome? Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 26(2), 159-63. Select to access the abstract.
Weinger, M. B., & Englund, C. E. (1990). Ergonomic and human factors affecting anesthetic vigilance and monitoring performance in the operating room environment. Anesthesiology 73, 995-1021. Select to access the abstract.
Yee, B., Naik, V., et al. (2005). Nontechnical skills in anesthesia crisis management with repeated exposure to simulation-based education. Anesthesiology 103(2), 241-8. Select to access the abstract.
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