National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report
Latest available findings on quality of and access to health care
Data & Analytics
- Data Infographics
- Data Visualizations
- Data Tools
- Data Innovations
- All-Payer Claims Database
- Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Program
- Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
- National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report Data Tools
- AHRQ Quality Indicator Tools for Data Analytics
- United States Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK)
- Data Sources Available from AHRQ
Topic: Burnout
Burnout is a serious and growing problem in many healthcare settings. Burnout can increase worker turnover and reduce quality of care, leading to lower patient satisfaction and patient safety as well as higher costs of care. AHRQ supports a wide range of projects to assess and reduce burnout among clinicians and other healthcare staff.
For more information on Burnout, you may want to visit Patient Safety Net (PSNet).