National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report
Latest available findings on quality of and access to health care
Data & Analytics
- Data Infographics
- Data Visualizations
- Data Tools
- Data Innovations
- All-Payer Claims Database
- Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Program
- Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
- National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report Data Tools
- AHRQ Quality Indicator Tools for Data Analytics
- United States Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK)
- Data Sources Available from AHRQ
Surgical complications take an immeasurable toll on patients and their families. Yet a substantial proportion of those complications are preventable. AHRQ has tools, research and resources related to making surgery safer.
Toolkit for Improving Surgical Care and Recovery
This toolkit helps hospitals implement evidence-based practices to improve outcomes and prevent complications among patients who undergo surgery.
Toolkit To Promote Safe Surgery
This toolkit from the AHRQ Safety Program for Surgery helps perioperative and surgical units in hospitals identify opportunities to improve their care and safety practices and implement evidence-based interventions to prevent surgical site infections. .
Toolkit To Improve Safety in Ambulatory Care Centers
Ambulatory surgery centers can use this toolkit to apply the proven principles and methods of AHRQ's Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program to prevent surgical site infections and other complications and improve safety culture in their facilities.
CAHPS Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Survey
This survey from AHRQ's Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems program assesses the experiences of adult patients who receive care in Medicare-certified hospital outpatient surgery departments and ambulatory surgery centers.
Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey on Patient Safety Culture
This AHRQ Survey on Patient Safety Culture asks ambulatory surgery care staff at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services-certified ambulatory surgery centers for their opinions about the culture of patient safety in their facility.
AHRQ's Patient Safety Network includes numerous studies on improving surgical safety that range from improving communications and the culture of safety to human factors engineering.
Getting Ready for Your Ambulatory Surgery
This booklet provides tip for patients who are having ambulatory surgery.
Surgeries in Hospital-Based Ambulatory Surgery and Hospital Inpatient Settings
This statistical brief from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project presents national data on surgeries performed in two hospital settings: hospital inpatient and hospital-based ambulatory surgery settings. Comparisons of ambulatory surgery with inpatient surgery can be useful in the evaluation of use patterns, post-surgical complications, hospital cost savings, and patient experience-of-care surveys.