Recent Insights Into CAHPS Survey Modes and Response Rates
This AHRQ webcast shared recent research findings on survey invitation formats, such as email and text, and administration modes, such as web and on-site distribution. This research examines the impact of invitations and administration modes on response rates and how well survey respondents represent the patient population.
CAHPS and SOPS Programs
Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AHRQ's CAHPS® Program (PDF, 353 KB)
Senior Principal Researcher
Intensive Efforts Can Drive Healthcare Survey Response Rates over 50% (PDF, 259 KB)
Testing the Feasibility of the Emergency Department Patient Experience of Care (EDPEC) Survey (PDF, 312 KB)
Anna M.R. Lauder Professor of Public Health
Department of Health Policy and Management
Yale School of Public Health
Comparisons of Electronic and Mail Survey Approaches (PDF, 274 KB)
Senior Study Director
Introduction Presentation Slides (PDF, 426 KB)
Closing Presentation Slides (PDF, 746 KB)
Recent Insights into CAHPS Survey Modes and Response Rates, November 19, 2019 [1 hour 29 minutes, 2 seconds]
Recent Insights into CAHPS Survey Modes and Response Rates (PDF, 872 KB)