Role of sponsor
Role of vendor(s)
Role of consultant
Planning and project design
- Designate a project director.
- Define the project goals.
- Issue the request for proposal (RFP) and select a vendor.
- Develop reporting strategy.
- Plan evaluation of project.
- Appoint advisory committee (optional).
- Provide guidance on defining project audiences, reporting audiences, and how the CAHPS project can fit into your overall organization goals.
- You could choose to hire multiple consultants for different aspects of the project or you may hire one consultant who has expertise in all aspects of your project.
- Depending on the scope of your project, the consultant may participate only in the planning phase or may participate over the entire project period.
Project management
- Designate a project manager who will manage the day-to-day operations and will be the key contact for all the other team members, vendors, and health plans.
- Designate a primary contact person to work with the sponsor.
- Monitor timeline of deliverables and activities presented in the RFP.
Planning the reports process
- Develop the communication strategy and make preliminary decisions about the content, audiences and distribution of consumer reports.
- Help with report prototype design and other technical issues, such as layout, use of graphics, and testing with consumers and other audiences.
- Determine the groups of individuals to be surveyed.
- Assemble sample frame and provide it to the vendor.
- Prepare a sampling plan for discussion with the sponsor.
- Incorporate sponsor/consultant revisions into the plan.
- Clean and prepare sample and review for accuracy, check and correct bad addresses, and obtain missing phone numbers.
- Help the sponsor and vendor develop survey sampling specifications. (You will need a statistical consultant if you or the vendor does not have a sampling statistician.)
Questionnaire preparation
- Select CAHPS questionnaires.
- Consider whether to all supplemental items.
- Prepare questionnaires for mail and/or telephone administration.
- Prepare survey letters for mailing.
- Set up system for tracking the returned questionnaires and/or completed telephone interviews.
- Advise sponsor about all items.
- Develop and test new items.
Data collection
- Monitor the survey field period to ensure vendor adherence to quality standards.
- Review and resolve problems in consultation with vendor.
- Prepare training materials for telephone data collection.
- Administer questionnaires by mail or telephone.
- Monitor returned questionnaires and/or telephone interviews.
- Submit weekly reports to sponsor detailing survey progress and response rates.
- Inform sponsor of unanticipated problems and questions related to survey content and data collection.
Data preparation and analysis
- Monitor data preparation and analysis.
- Clean data file.
- Calculate response rates.
- Review analysis program instructions.
- Modify program, as needed.
- Run, test, modify, and rerun program.
- Thoroughly check results.
- Review CAHPS instructions and computer program for analysis.
- Assist the vendor in using program and checking results.
Report preparation and distribution
- Customize report text and template design.
- Monitor report preparation and production.
- Provide specifications and additional information to be included in reports.
- Supply additional display information (e.g., benefits).
(NOTE: The vendor for this task may be the vendor who conducted your survey or may be a different vendor.)
- Prepare CAHPS consumer reports or supply results to vendor preparing reports.
- Thoroughly check all information in reports for accuracy.
- Assist in interpreting survey results and incorporating them into reports for consumers and other audiences.
- Provide guidance on layout, graphics, and design.