H-HL1. During this hospital stay, did hospital staff ask you to describe how you were going to take your medications when you were at home?
1 __ Yes
2 __ No |
Note: Before items H-HL1 – H-HL2, add a new subheading: "Information About Medications"
Note: Add a new instruction before H-HL1: "If you were not given any medication when you left the hospital, go to Question X." Replace X with the number used for H-HL3, or the next question in your survey.
H-HL2. During this hospital stay, did hospital staff tell you who to call if you had questions about your medications?
1 __Yes
2 __ No |
After H-HL1 |
H-HL3. During this hospital stay, how often were nurses hard to understand because of the way they spoke your language?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL2
Note: Before items H-HL3 – H-HL9, add a new subheading: "Talking With Nurses"
H-HL4. During this hospital stay, how often did nurses use medical words you did not understand?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL3 |
H-HL5. During this hospital stay, how often did nurses talk too fast when talking with you?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL4 |
H-HL6. During this hospital stay, how often did nurses interrupt you when you were talking?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL5 |
H-HL7. During this hospital stay, how often did nurses answer all your questions to your satisfaction?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL6 |
H-HL8. During this hospital stay, how often did nurses use a condescending, sarcastic, or rude tone or manner with you?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL7 |
H-HL9. During this hospital stay, how often did you feel nurses really cared about you as a person?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL8 |
H-HL10. During this hospital stay, how often were doctors hard to understand because of the way they spoke your language?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL9
Note: Before items H-HL10 – H-HL18, add a new subheading: "Talking With Doctors"
H-HL11. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors use medical words you did not understand?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL10 |
H-HL12. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors talk too fast when talking with you?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL11 |
H-HL13. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors use pictures, drawings, models, or videos to explain things to you?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL12 |
H-HL14. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors interrupt you when you were talking?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL13 |
H-HL15. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors answer all your questions to your satisfaction?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL14 |
H-HL16. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors make sure you understood all the information you were given?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL15 |
H-HL17. During this hospital stay, how often did doctors use a condescending, sarcastic, or rude tone or manner with you?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL16 |
H-HL18. During this hospital stay, how often did you feel doctors really cared about you as a person?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL17 |
H-HL19. During this hospital stay, did you have a blood test, x-ray, or other test?
1 __Yes
2 __ No → If No, go to H-HL24 |
After H-HL18
Note: Before items H-HL19 – H-HL23, add a new subheading: "Talking About Tests"
H-HL20. During this hospital stay, before you had a blood test, x-ray, or other test, how often did hospital staff explain what it was for?
1 __ Never → If Never, go to H-HL22
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL19
Note: Use with H-HL19
H-HL21. How often was the explanation of what the test was for easy to understand?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL20
Note: Use with H-HL20
H-HL22. During this hospital stay, when you had a blood test, x-ray, or other test, how often did hospital staff explain the results to you?
1 __ Never → If Never, go to H-HL24
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL21
Note: Use with H-HL19
H-HL23. How often were the results of your blood test, x-ray, or other test easy to understand?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL22
Note: Use with H-HL22
H-HL24. During this hospital stay, did you have to sign any forms?
1 __Yes
2 __ No → If No, go to H-HL26 |
After H-HL23
Note: Before items H-HL24 – H-HL31, add a new subheading: "Communication About Forms"
H-HL25. During this hospital stay, how often did hospital staff explain the purpose of a form before you signed it?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL24
Note: Use with H-HL24
H-HL26. During this hospital stay, did you have to fill out any forms?
1 __Yes
2 __ No → If No, go to H-HL32 |
After H-HL25 |
H-HL27. During this hospital stay, how often did hospital staff offer you help to fill out a form?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL26
Note: Use with H-HL26
H-HL28. During this hospital stay, how often were the forms easy to fill out?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL27
Note: Use with H-HL26
H-HL29. During this hospital stay, how often were you given enough time to fill out forms?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL28
Note: Use with H-HL26
H-HL30. During this hospital stay, did you ever need forms in a language other than English?
1 __Yes
2 __ No → If No, go to H-HL32 |
After H-HL29
Note: Use with H-HL26
H-HL31. During this hospital stay, how often were the forms that you had to fill out or sign available in your language?
1 __ Never
2 __ Sometimes
3 __ Usually
4 __ Always |
After H-HL30
Note: Use with H-HL30
H-HL32. After you left the hospital, did you go directly to your own home, to someone else's home, or to another health facility?
1 __ Own home
2 __ Someone else's home
3 __ Another health facility → If Another, go to core question 26 |
After H-HL31
Note: Before items H-HL32 – H-HL39, add a new subheading: "Information About How to Care for Yourself"
Note: H-HL32 repeats question 18 in the Adult HCAHPS Survey in order to set up the subsequent questions. Add the following instruction before H-HL32:"We need you to answer the following question again although you have already answered it in the first part of the survey."
H-HL33. During this hospital stay, did hospital staff give you a telephone number to call if you had problems after you left the hospital?
1 __Yes
2 __ No |
After H-HL32
Note: Use with H-HL32
H-HL34. During this hospital stay, did hospital staff tell you how to take care of yourself at home?
1 __Yes
2 __ No → If No, go to H-HL36 |
After H-HL33
Note: Use with H-HL32
H-HL35. Was this information about how to take care of yourself at home easy to understand?
1 __Yes
2 __ No |
After H-HL34
Note: Use with H-HL34
H-HL36. During this hospital stay, did you get instructions in writing about how to take care of yourself at home?
1 __Yes
2 __ No → If No, go to core question 26 |
After H-HL35
Note: Use with H-HL32
H-HL37. Were the written instructions about how to take care of yourself at home easy to understand?
1 __Yes
2 __ No |
After H-HL36
Note: Use with H-HL36
H-HL38. Did you need written instructions about how to take care of yourself at home in a language other than English?
1 __Yes
2 __ No → If No, go to core question 26 |
After H-HL37
Note: Use with H-HL32
H-HL39. Were the written instructions about how to take care of yourself at home available in your language?
1 __Yes
2 __ No |
After H-HL38
Note: Use with H-HL38