NAC Member Biography: Peter B. Angood

Peter B. Angood, M.D., FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, FAAPL (Hon)
President and Chief Executive Officer
American Association for Physician Leadership
Peter B. Angood, M.D., FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, FAAPL (Hon) is chief executive officer and president of the American Association for Physician Leadership. Previously, Dr. Angood was the inaugural chief patient safety officer at The Joint Commission, patient safety adviser to the World Health Organization, senior adviser for patient safety at the National Quality Forum, and chief medical officer for the Patient Safety Organization of GE Healthcare.
Dr. Angood enjoyed 25 years of academic trauma surgery practice ranging from McGill University in Canada to the University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, and Washington University in St. Louis. Dr. Angood completed his academic career as a full professor of surgery, anesthesia, and emergency medicine. He remains actively involved with a variety of healthcare advisory groups and professional societies, served as president for the Society of Critical Care Medicine, and is a well-recognized international speaker and author with 250 publications. His podcast series, Inspired Leaders, Transforming Healthcare with Peter Angood, M.D., and recent book, All Physicians Are Leaders, have been critically well-received.
Contact Information:
Peter B. Angood, M.D., FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, FAAPL (Hon)
President and Chief Executive Officer
American Association for Physician Leadership
P.O. Box 96503
BMB 97493
Washington, DC 20090-6503
Phone: (800) 562-8088