Building State Cooperatives for Healthcare Improvement
Date: September 26, 2024, 9:00am-3:00pm ET
Location: 5600 Fishers Lane, Conference Room 5W11
Meeting objective:
By the end of the meeting, participants will have discussed lessons learned about key elements and processes needed for developing state cooperatives to accelerate implementation of actionable evidence into practice.
Meeting Format:
- State grantees and Abt evaluation team to share lessons learned.
- Breakout sessions and large group discussion.
- The meeting is designed for in-person discussion. Virtual participants will be listen-in only with the opportunity to add questions to meeting chat and contribute to the discussion during the final session.
- Proceedings from the meeting will be publicly available on the AHRQ website.
Developing and Sustaining State-based Infrastructure to Support Primary Care Quality Improvement—a How-To Guide
The How-To Guide provides guidance about developing and sustaining state-based cooperatives that aim to strengthen the capacity of healthcare systems, other healthcare organizations, and clinicians to deliver evidence-based whole-person care. It highlights effective approaches, lessons learned, and sample materials from the AHRQ initiatives designed to provide external quality improvement support for primary care practice.
Breakout Session Topic Areas:
Each breakout group will stay together and cycle through three breakout discussions (described below). During the breakouts, the participants will provide lessons learned from their improvement work in the following:
- Working with public and private entities to co-develop, coordinate, and align primary care improvement efforts including building a quality improvement workforce.
Facilitator: Andrea Heckert (Abt Global)
- Aligning incentives, payment, and state-level resources with improvement efforts. Facilitator: Julie Schilz (Primary Care Development Corporation)
- Using data for ongoing improvement and to inform state and local decision making. Facilitator: Molly Vaughan (Abt Global)
Key Discussion Questions for Breakout Sessions: The two questions below will be fielded to participants during each breakout session (topics 1-3 above).
- Reflecting on your own work, experience, and expertise, what are the most critical actions that someone establishing an improvement cooperative should consider?
- What should be developed or enhanced in this topic area to drive the field forward for the next generation of state cooperatives? Is there a key gap that needs to be filled?
Breakout Groups
Group 1:
Rishi Manchanda, MD, MPH
Ned Mossman, MPH
Yalda Jabbarpour, MD
Mark Wallace, MD, MPH
LaPorcha Carter
Howard Haft, MD, MMM, CPE, FACPE
Shari Bolen, MD, MPH
Group 2:
Kevin Grumbach, MD
Julie Donohue, PhD
Abel Kho, MD, MS, FACMI
Judy Zerzan-Thul, MD, MPH
Sinsi Hernandez-Cancio, JD
Anya Day, MPH
Jim Bailey, MD, MPH
Anne Gaglioti, MD, MS, FAAFP
Group 3:
Art Kaufman, MD
Larry Hearld, PhD
Lauren Hughes, MD, MPH
Andrew Hamilton, RN, BSN, MS
Bob Phillips, MD, MSPH
Patrick Gordon, MPA
Crystal Eubanks, MS
Theresa Walunas, PhD
Meeting Agenda
Time | Session |
9:00 – 9:30 am | Welcome by AHRQ leadership and Introductions |
9:30 – 10:10 am | EN BSC grantee presentations |
10:10 – 10:30 am | Abt Evaluation team presentation |
10:30 – 10:40 am | Break |
10:40 – 11:20 am | Breakout Session I:
11:20 am – 12:00 pm | Breakout Session II:
12:00 – 1:05 pm | Lunch on your own |
1:05 – 1:45 pm | Breakout Session III:
1:45 – 2:00 pm | Break |
2:00 – 2:50 pm | Large Group Discussion |
2:50 – 3:00 pm | Closing Remarks |
*State-based cooperatives aim to strengthen the capacity of healthcare systems, other healthcare organizations, and clinicians to deliver evidence-based whole-person care. Cooperatives convene public and private partners that are drivers of healthcare improvement in their state, including payers, healthcare systems and delivery organizations, clinicians, patients, and community representatives.