Health Care Quality Improvement (QI) Action Plan Template
Resource: Action Plan Worksheet (Word, 22 KB, 2 pages)
This Word worksheet helps primary care practices create action plans for seven high-leverage changes to implement evidence, in alignment with Key Driver 2: Implement a data-driven quality improvement process to integrate evidence into practice procedures. Designed for practice teams working with practice facilitators to improve the ABCS (aspirin, blood pressure, cholesterol, and smoking cessation) of heart health, the worksheet has practices discuss how things currently work and identify improvements they want to make, set “SMART” (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-bound) goals, and generate a list of testable changes needed to achieve them.
Institution of origin: Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute
Permissions: Used with permission of Healthy Hearts Northwest.
Acknowledgements: Healthy Hearts Northwest, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality EvidenceNOW Initiative
Publication date: 2015