Title and Source | Brief Description |
Meaningful Use Objectives | |
Prenatal Record Present at the Time of Deliveryi | Percent of patients, regardless of age, who gave birth at 36 weeks gestation or beyond during a 12-month period whose prenatal record was present at the facility at the time of delivery (may include faxing or emailing copy to labor and delivery).
Atlas Domains: Information transfer across teams of health care professionals, Facilitate transitions across settings eMeasure specifications available: No |
The Ability for Providers With HIT to Receive Laboratory Data Electronically Directly Into Their Qualified/Certified EHR System as Discrete Searchable Data Elements (NQF#0489)j | Documents the extent to which a provider uses certified/qualified EHR system that incorporates an electronic data interchange with one or more laboratories allowing for direct electronic transmission of laboratory data into the EHR as discrete searchable data elements.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (across teams of health care professionals), Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: No |
Tracking of Clinical Results Between Visits (NQF # 0491)j | Documentation of the extent to which a provider uses a certified/qualified EHR system to track pending laboratory tests, diagnostic studies (including common preventive screenings) or patient referrals. The Electronic Health Record includes provider reminders when clinical results are not received within a predefined timeframe.
Atlas Domains: Monitor, follow up, and respond to change, Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: No |
Heart Failure Follow-Up Visit Scheduledk | Percent of patients, regardless of age, discharged to ambulatory care or home health care with a principal discharge diagnosis of heart failure for whom a followup appointment was scheduled and documented including location, date, and time for a follow-up office visit, or home health visit (as specified).
Atlas Domains: Facilitate transitions across settings, Monitor, follow up, and respond to change eMeasure specifications available: No |
Critical information communicated with request for referral to specialist (sent by PCP)l | Number of patients with relevant clinical information communicated using CCD with request for referral to specialist. Defined from PCP perspective (CCD sent) and also from specialist perspective (CCD received).
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (across teams of health care professionals), Facilitate transitions across settings, Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: No |
Critical Info communicated with request for referral to specialist (received by specialist)l | Number of patients with relevant clinical information communicated using CCD with request for referral to specialist. Defined from PCP perspective (CCD sent) and also from specialist perspective (CCD received).
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (across teams of health care professionals), Facilitate transitions across settings, Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: No |
PCP communicates to patient the reason for referrall | Number of referred patients where PCP gave patient written information on reason for referral/consultations.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (between health care professional(s) and patient/family), Facilitate transitions across settings eMeasure specifications available: No |
Specialist communicates results to patient/familyl | Number of patients seen by specialist where the specialist provided written results to the patient.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (between health care professional(s) and patient/family) eMeasure specifications available: No |
PCP review of Specialist Reportl | Number of referred patients seen by the specialist where the PCP reviewed the results of the specialist report.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (across teams of health care professionals), Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: No |
eMeasures of Effect on Quality of EHR with HIEm | Set of 11 process measures that use EHR data to assess the effect of using an EHR that has health information exchange capabilities. Includes redundant testing, medication documentation, referral communication and post-discharge follow-up.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (across teams of health care professionals), Facilitate transitions across settings, Monitor, follow up, and respond to change eMeasure specifications available: No |
Osteoporosis: Communication with the physician managing on-going care post fracture of hip, spine, or distal radius for men and women aged 50 and older. (NQF #0045)n | Patients age 50 or older treated for hip, spine, or distal radial fracture who have documentation of communication with physician managing the patient's on-going care that a fracture occurred, and that the patient was, or should be tested or treated for osteoporosis.
Atlas Domains: Communicate (across teams of health care professionals), Facilitate transitions across settings, Facilitate transitions as coordination needs change eMeasure specifications available: Yes |
Medication Reconciliation (NQF#0097)n | Patients aged 65 years and older discharged and seen within 60 days in the office by the physician providing on-going care who had a reconciliation of the discharge medications with the current medication list in the medical record documented.
Atlas Domains: Establish accountability or negotiate responsibility; Information transfer (across health care teams or settings); Facilitate transitions across settings, Monitor, followup and respond to change; Medication management eMeasure specifications available: No |
Dementia: Caregiver Education and Supporto | Percent of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of dementia whose caregiver(s) were provided with education on dementia disease management and health behavior changes AND referred to additional resources for support within a 12-month period.
Atlas Domains: Support self-management goals, Link to community resources eMeasure specifications available: Yes |
EHR – Electronic health record; HIE – Health information exchange; HIT – Health information technology system (includes EHR and HIE); NQF – National Quality Forum; PCP – Primary care provider.
Numbers in parentheses refer to the NQF measure identification number, included for reference.