Title and Source | Brief Description |
Meaningful Use Objectives | |
Stage 1 & 2 Meaningful Use EP Core†
Provide Patients the Ability to View Online, Download and Transmit Their Health Information Within 4 Business Days of the Information Being Available to the EPg |
Two measures:
(1) Patients seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period are provided timely online access to their health information; (2) Patients seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period (or their authorized representatives) views, downloads, or transmits their health information to a third party. Atlas Domains: Information transfer (between health care professional(s) and patient/family), Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Stage 1 & 2 Meaningful Use EP Core†
Provide Clinical Summaries for Patients for Each Office Visitg |
Clinical summaries provided to patients or patient-authorized representatives within 1 business day for office visits.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (between health care professional(s) and patient/family) eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Stage 1 & 2 Meaningful Use EP Core†
Use clinically relevant information to identify patients who should receive reminders for preventive/follow-up care and send these patients the reminders, per patient preferenceg |
Patients who have had ≥2 office visits with the EP within 24 months before the beginning of the EHR reporting period were sent a reminder, per patient preference when available.
Atlas Domains: Monitor, follow up, and respond to change eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Stage 1 & 2 Meaningful Use EP, EH Core†
Use Clinically Relevant Information From CEHRT to Identify Patient-Specific Education Resources and Provide Those Resources to the Patientg |
Patient-specific education resources identified by CEHRT Technology are provided to patients with EP office visits (or patients admitted to inpatient or ED) during the EHR reporting period.
Atlas Domains: Support self-management goals eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Stage 1 & 2 Meaningful Use EP, EH Core†
The EP/EH Who Receives a Patient From Another Setting of Care or Provider of Care or Believes an Encounter is Relevant Should Perform Medication Reconciliationg |
The EP/EH performs medication reconciliation for patient transitions of care to the EP or admissions to the EH inpatient or ED.
Atlas Domains: Facilitate transitions across settings, Medication management eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
The EP/EH performs medication reconciliation for patient transitions of care to the EP or admissions to the EH inpatient or ED.
Atlas Domains: Facilitate transitions across settings, Medication management eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
3 measures (all required):
(1) EP/EH who transitions or refers their patient to another setting or provider of care provides a summary of care record (2) EP/EH who transitions or refers patients provides a summary of care record either [a] electronically transmitted using CEHRT to recipient, or [b] where the recipient receives the summary of care record via HIE; and (3) EP/EH either [a] conducts at least 1 successful electronic exchange of summary of care document with a recipient who has EHR technology developed or designed by a different company from the senders', or [b] conducts at least 1 successful test with the CMS-designated test EHR during the reporting period. Atlas Domains: Information transfer (across health care teams or settings), Facilitate transitions across settings, Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Stage 2 Meaningful Use EP Core
Use Secure Electronic Messaging to Communicate with Patients on Relevant Health Informationg |
A secure message was sent using the electronic messaging function of CEHRT by patients (or their authorized representatives) seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (between health care professional(s) and patient/family), Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Stage 2 Meaningful Use EH Core
Provide Patients the Ability to View Online, Download and Transmit Information About a Hospital Admissiong |
This objective includes 2 measures: (1) Patients discharged from the inpatient or ED of the EH during the EHR reporting period have their information available online within 36 hours of discharge; and (2) Patients (or their authorized representatives) who are discharged from the inpatient or ED of EH actually view, download or transmit to a third party their information during the EHR reporting period.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (between health care professional(s) and patient/family), Facilitate transitions across settings eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Stage 1 & 2 Meaningful Use EH Menu†
Provide Structured Electronic Lab Results to Ambulatory Providersg |
Hospital labs send structured electronic clinical lab results to the ordering provider for electronic lab orders received.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (across teams of health care professionals), Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Stage 2 Meaningful Use EH Core
Provide Patients the Ability to View Online, Download and Transmit Information About a Hospital Admissiong |
This objective includes 2 measures: (1) Patients discharged from the inpatient or ED of the EH during the EHR reporting period have their information available online within 36 hours of discharge; and (2) Patients (or their authorized representatives) who are discharged from the inpatient or ED of EH actually view, download or transmit to a third party their information during the EHR reporting period. Atlas Domains: Information transfer (between health care professional(s) and patient/family), Facilitate transitions across settings eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Stage 1 & 2 Meaningful Use EH Menu†
Provide Structured Electronic Lab Results to Ambulatory Providersg |
Hospital labs send structured electronic clinical lab results to the ordering provider for electronic lab orders received.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (across teams of health care professionals), Health IT-enabled coordination eMeasure specifications available: N/A |
Meaningful Use Clinical Quality Measures | |
Stage 2 Meaningful Use EP CQM
Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Reporth |
Percentage of patients with referrals, regardless of age, for which the referring provider receives a report from the provider to whom the patient was referred.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (across teams of health care professionals), Facilitate transitions across settings eMeasure specifications available: Yes |
Stage 2 Meaningful Use EP CQM
Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed ADHD Medication (NQF #0108)h |
Percent of children 6-12 years old newly dispensed medication for ADHD who had appropriate follow-up care. Two rates are reported: (1) percent of children with one follow-up visit with a practitioner with prescribing authority during the 30-day initiation phase; (2) percent of children who remained on ADHD medication for ≥210 days who, in addition to the visit in the initiation phase, had at least 2 other follow-up visits within 270 days (9 months) after the initiation phase ended.
Atlas Domains: Monitor, follow up, and respond to change eMeasure specifications available: Yes |
Stage 2 Meaningful Use EH CQM
Home Management Plan of Care Document Given to Patient/Caregiver (NQF#0338)h |
Assessment that there is documentation in the medical record that a Home Management Plan of Care document was given to the pediatric asthma patient/caregiver.
Atlas Domains: Information transfer (between health care professional(s) and patient/family), Create a proactive plan of care eMeasure specifications available: Yes |
Stage 2 Meaningful Use EP CQM
Diabetic Retinopathy: Communication With the Physician Managing Ongoing Diabetes Care (NQF#0089)h |
Percent of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy who had a dilated macular or fundus exam performed with documented communication to the physician who manages the on-going care of the patient regarding the findings of the exam at least once with 12 months.
Atlas Domains: Communicate (across teams of health care professionals) eMeasure specifications available: Yes |
*The CMS EHR incentive programs are broad in scope and include many objectives and CQMs that do not assess care coordination. This table includes only those that, in our judgment, evaluated a process of care that mapped to at least one of the Atlas framework domains.
†This measure was used in Stage 1 and Stage 2, with slight modifications for the different stages. Only the stage 2 version is listed here.
ADHD – Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; BMI – Body mass index; CCD – Continuity of care document; CEHRT – Certified electronic health record technology; CQM – Clinical quality measures; EH – Eligible hospital (includes critical access hospitals); EHR – Electronic health record; EP – Eligible professional; HIE – Health information exchange; HIT – Health information technology system (includes EHR and HIE); N/A – Not applicable; NQF – National Quality Forum.