Community Connections: Linking Primary Care Patients to Local Resources for Better Management of Obesity
(script can be modified to be first phone call contact) "Dear ________, My name is Jane Johnson and I am the practice manager at Caring Family Associates in Anywhere, USA. I work closely with four family medicine physicians who see patients of all ages and conditions. One of our physicians, Dr. Jones, is particularly concerned about the increasing population of patients with obesity and prediabetes. These patients need substantial help making lifestyle changes in eating and physical activity, more help than we can provide in the average office visit. Recently, I noticed an article in the newspaper about the walking program held 4x/week at the city park and your name was on the contact list. [Describe program as appropriate.] Dr. Jones and I think many of her patients might benefit from this program. We would like to learn more about it before we start "referring" patients. I would like to set up a quick phone call in the near future, perhaps followed by a visit to our practice to meet Dr. Jones. What are some good times to reach you by phone? I am in the office Monday through Thursday. Caring Family Medicine Associates has been a part of this community for more than 10 years. It is great to see such healthy programs like your walking group as part of the community as well. I look forward to learning more about how we can perhaps partner together in future to help our patients and community members become happier, healthier citizens. I look forward to hearing back from you shortly Regards, Project Champion |