Implementing Self-Management Support for Heart Health
Resource: Self-Management Support Strategies for Improving CVD Risk Factors—Practice Engagement!
This presentation describes the evidence for providing self-management support (SMS) and distinguishes it from patient education. It explains the key principles of effective self-management support and the evidence behind SMS for improving heart health. The presentation includes strategies to implement SMS throughout primary care practices.
Institution of origin: University of Colorado at Denver
Author(s): Jortberg, B
File size and format: 247 KB, PowerPoint
# of pages: 18
Target audience(s): Practice Facilitators, Quality Improvement Professionals, Clinicians, Practice Staff, Practice Leaders
Permissions: Used with permission of EvidenceNOW Southwest.
Acknowledgements: EvidenceNOW Southwest, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality EvidenceNOW Initiative
Publication date: 2016