Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation
The editors wish to thank the following individuals for acting as peer reviewers for manuscripts submitted for publication in Volume 2 of Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation:
James Battles
Carmen Birk
Mark Bruley
Katherine Crosson
Kimberly Galt
Sheldon Greenfield
Louis Halamek
Michael Harrison
Kerm Henriksen
Lee Hilborne
Bentzi Karsh
Mark Keroack
Margaret Keyes
Beth Kohsin
Christine Kovner
Peter Layde
Mark Linzer
Eric Marks
Debbie McKay
Dwight McNeill
Marlene Miller
Bridget Olson
Ginette Pepper
Geoffrey Rake
Douglas Roblin
Judy Sangl
Lucy Savitz
Stephen Small
Meghan Snide
Daniel Stryer
David Studdert
Christie Teigland
Jonathan Wilwerding