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Background: This tool can be used to create a high-level overview of the case for implementing a fall prevention program. The information gathered in this tool may be presented to the senior leader who will decide whether to support your program. For more information on who is part of the senior leadership team, go to the resource box in section 1.3 of the toolkit text.
Reference: The form was adapted from a template developed by Project Agency to help write a business case. Available at: www.businessballs.com/project%20management%20templates.pdf.
How to use this tool: Complete the form with all the required information. In some cases, to complete an element of the form (e.g., section on initial estimates of cost and time), additional work will be required. This form is best suited for a hospital administrator.
Present the completed form to the senior leader who would support your program, and discuss the potential benefits of the fall prevention initiative. This leader may also find it valuable for the finance department to calculate the return on investment (ROI).
ROI = Net returns from improvement actions / Investment in improvement actions. Additional information on ROI estimation is available in a companion AHRQ toolkit for hospitals at: www.ahrq.gov/professionals/quality-patient-safety/quality-resources/qitoolkit/f1_returnoninvestment.pdf.
Business Case
Program Background (keep this brief) |
General Aims |
Initial Risks |
Expected Outcomes |
Benefits of Implementing This Program |
Initial Estimates of Cost and Time $: Time: |
Outcome of the Business Case |
Decision From (Program Sponsor) |
Date |
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