Fall Prevention in Hospitals—Webinars
Training Webinars
- Staff Roles and Training for Your Fall Prevention Program (42 min) (PDF of the Slides, 1.79 MB)
- Using Fall Risk Assessment Tools in Care Planning (25 min) (PDF of the Slides, 2.16 MB)
- Measuring Fall and Fall-Related Injury Rates and Prevention Practices (26 min) (PDF of the Slides, 1.39 MB)
- Sustaining Fall Prevention Practices at Your Hospital (46 min) (PDF of the Slides, 1.71 MB)
Learning Network Webinars
- Creating Control Charts To Interpret Fall Data (62 min)
- Critical Thinking for Fall Injury Prevention (55 min)
- Lean Six Sigma—A Deep Dive Into Reducing Patient Falls: AHRQ Toolkit for Preventing Falls (67 min)
- Evidence for Fall Prevention Strategies (75 min)
- Measurement: Using Data To Tell a Story (65 min)
- Patient-Centered Fall Prevention Care Planning (61 min)
- Post-Fall Huddles: Reducing Preventable Falls and Fall-Related Injuries (61 min)
- Sustainment (61 min)