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Background: This tool can be used to monitor progress on your fall prevention efforts.
Reference: Developed by Falls Toolkit Research Team.
How to use this tool: The Implementation Team leader (or individual designated by the leader) should complete the checklist.
Use this tool to ensure you have not skipped any essential steps in your fall prevention efforts.
Measuring Progress
Measuring fall rates | |
Staff know definition of fall and definition of injurious fall | |
Management culture rewards full reporting of falls | |
Fall rates (e.g., falls per 1,000 occupied bed days) are calculated | |
Fall rates are monitored at least quarterly, preferably monthly | |
Information on rates is disseminated to key stakeholders and staff | |
Root cause analysis is conducted for each fall with at least moderate level of injury | |
Measuring key processes of care | |
Fall risk factor assessment is performed within 24 hours of admission | |
Care plan addressing every deficit on fall risk factor assessment has been developed and is being implemented |