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Background: This tool can be used to determine who will be responsible for each task identified in your set of best practices for preventing falls. One way to generate interest and buy-in from the staff is to ask them to self-assign their responsibilities from a prioritized list of tasks that need to be accomplished.
Reference: Developed by Falls Toolkit Research Team.
How to use this tool: Complete the table by entering the different best practices and the specific individuals who will be responsible for completing each task. This tool should be filled out by the Implementation Team leader in collaboration with the other team members.
Use this tool to assign and clarify the roles and responsibilities of each staff member. Types of staff and the types of responsibilities they might take on are summarized in Tool 4B, "Staff Roles."
What practices will we use? | Who will be responsible? |
Example: Perform comprehensive fall risk assessment on admission, daily, or if condition deteriorates. |
Example: RN |