Establishing a Program of In Situ Simulations: Slide Presentation
AHRQ Safety Program for Perinatal Care
Slide 1: AHRQ Safety Program for Perinatal Care
Establishing a Program of In Situ Simulations
Slide 2: Learning Objectives
Image: Four ascending steps show the learning objectives:
- Describe in situ simulation training.
- Describe how in situ simulation supports perinatal safety.
- Demonstrate how to execute in situ simulations.
- Identify ways to measure and evaluate a program of in situ simulation.
Slide 3: Simulation Skill Development1
- Technical skills related to clinical assessment or intervention:
- Cervical exams, physical maneuvers, surgical procedures.
- Appropriate clinical management of a specific condition.
- Effective organization and use of supplies and equipment.
- Teamwork and communication (four core TeamSTEPPS® skills):
- Leadership.
- Communication.
- Mutual support.
- Situational awareness.
Slide 4: In Situ Simulation Defined1,2,3,4
- In situ simulations are physically integrated into the usual clinical environment, allowing for practice in one's own hospital setting with familiar resources and equipment.
- Each person involved performs his or her own role as if the scenario were real.
- All disciplines participate, including support personnel (lab, pharmacy, etc.).
- In situ simulation complements simulation training conducted in a dedicated simulation center.
Slide 5: Benefits of In Situ Simulation3,5,6,7
- Provides a method to improve reliability and safety in high-risk areas such as labor and delivery (L&D).
- Allows for experiential learning and practice related to teamwork and communication.
- Improves ability to address latent threats and systems issues.
Slide 6: Evidence for Using Simulations in L&D
- Multiple studies have demonstrated that teamwork training using simulation as an independent intervention results in improvement in knowledge, practical skills, communication, and team performance in acute maternity care situations.8-10
Slide 7: Scenarios for Simulation
- Simulation scenarios can be designed to replay real events that have occurred on your unit.
- Simulation scenarios can be designed for uncommon, but serious, obstetric emergencies requiring rapid recognition and response (e.g., shoulder dystocia, postpartum hemorrhage, cord prolapse).
- Simulation scenarios can be designed to fine-tune existing processes or to train staff on new processes and protocols (e.g., use of safe cesarean section checklist).
Slide 8: Three Components of an In Situ Simulation11
- Briefing.
- Facilitating the simulation.
- Debriefing.
Slide 9: Briefing
- Immediately before the simulation, the facilitator briefs participants about the purpose and ground rules; this usually takes about 10 minutes. The facilitator will—
- Ask participants to treat the simulated event like an actual patient situation.
- Emphasize the primary focus is on how teams communicate and perform as a unit.
- Share information about the timeframe for simulation, use of simulation equipment (if applicable), and rules of participation.
Slide 10: Briefing: Using Video
- Video recording the simulation can be a useful tool for reviewing team performance during the debriefing.3
- Video recording can induce anxiety in participants.
- Explain the purpose of video recording prior to simulation.
- Seek legal guidance and signed releases from simulation participants if the video may be used for purposes other than debriefing, such as for education or training.
Slide 11: Facilitating the Simulation: Scenario Design1
Components of a well-designed scenario include—
- Clinical context:
- Not all contexts are equal for training purposes.
- Context should be appropriate for eliciting the team behavior of interest.
Slide 12: Facilitating the Simulation: Scenario Design1
Components of a well-designed scenario include—
- Event sets (typically 3 to 5 per simulation):
- Triggers: The incident to elicit the team behavior.
- Distractors: Characteristics that may divert the team’s attention (e.g., family member asking questions).
- Expected Responses: The appropriate behavioral responses to each event-set trigger.
Slide 13: Facilitating the Simulation: Execution
- Simulation facilitators are primarily observers.
- Facilitators introduce new information into the simulation as needed.
- Avoid facilitating or "scripting" the simulation too tightly; this makes it difficult to observe targeted responses to a specific trigger.
- Simulations that lead to "one right answer" are not realistic and won’t help teams develop the ability to recognize and adapt to changing circumstances.
Slide 14: Facilitating the Simulation: Execution
- Keep the simulation going for a prespecified period of time, typically up to 15 to 20 minutes.
Slide 15: Debriefing: Definition
- Debriefing helps participants understand the complex team skills and knowledge required for quality patient care.3,11
- Provides a structure for understanding the scenario.
- Helps ensure everyone takes away similar lessons from the experience.
- Helps to keep the discussion focused on events relevant to the learning objectives of the simulation.
Slide 16: Debriefing: Logistics
- Takes about 3 to 5 minutes to debrief for every minute of the actual simulation.
- So a simulation run for 15 minutes will need at least 45 minutes to debrief. (This does not include time needed to review video if the simulation is being recorded.)
- Consider reserving a separate space for the debrief, especially if a screen to review a video recording of the simulation is needed.
Slide 17: Debriefing: Introduce the Debrief Process
- All team members in the simulation participate.
- The focus is primarily on team performance.
- Teamwork and communication skills are the focus of the debriefing questions.
- So that clinical/technical issues or questions are not overlooked, can use debrief to quickly clarify an issue, but individually directed remediation should be handled outside of the debrief.
- Consider a dual debrief, where one portion focuses on teamwork and communication, and a separate portion focuses on the clinical/technical response.
Slide 18: Debriefing: Describe What Happened
- First, each participant states their name, role, and what they think went well during the simulation.
- If simulation was recorded, watch the video. Pause at intervals to discuss the following:
- What went well?
- What could have gone better?
- What would you want to do differently next time?
Slide 19: Debriefing: Describe What Happened
- It is important for the participants to realize it is "their debriefing."
- An internal discussion of teamwork and communication principles is one of the goals of the debriefing.
- Video review is extremely helpful in allowing the participants to see exactly what communication occurred and what kind of teamwork was employed.
- Ideally everyone participates so that their unique perspective (such as their role) is heard.
Slide 20: Debriefing: Conduct a Performance Analysis
- Consider using a simulation assessment tool:
- It can be used by any observers of the simulation.
- If the simulation was video recorded, participants can use it to evaluate themselves as they watch the video.
- Compare the team’s performance with expected responses:
- Were the expected behaviors performed when necessary?
- If so, were they performed correctly, or could they be improved?
Slide 21: Debriefing: Identify Lessons Learned
- The final step is to look ahead to how the team members can generalize what they learned in the scenario to their daily practice.
- The team discusses what behaviors it should begin performing.
- Explicit measures associated with the simulation scenario can help promote reflection about how to transfer what went well in the simulation to the actual clinical environment.
Slide 22: Planning
Slide 23: Engage Leadership
- Discuss and determine a shared vision for the unit’s program of in situ simulation training.
- Be clear about the purpose of simulation training (i.e., teamwork development vs. individual performance evaluation).
- Identify concrete training goals.
Slide 24: Staff Readiness
- Ensure unit staff receive teamwork and communication training (e.g., TeamSTEPPS) before implementing an in situ simulation training program.
- This provides the team with a common language and communication framework.
- Ensure enough staff members know how to facilitate simulations.
Slide 25: Participants
- All disciplines involved in providing services or care to patients on L&D units should participate in simulations, including—
- Maternity care providers (obstetricians/family physicians/midwives).
- Nursing staff.
- Neonatal providers.
- Anesthesiology staff.
- Residents (all specialties that provide care on labor and delivery).
- Operating room technicians/assistants.
- Administrative support personnel (unit clerks).
- Lab and pharmacy staff.
Slide 26: Participants
- Define clear requirements for staff participation:
- Decide how often to conduct simulations. How many different scenarios?
- Will incentives or consequences be used to drive staff participation?
Slide 27: Simulation Scenarios
- Determine the simulation scenarios your unit or program will use.
- Sample simulation scenarios for the following topics are available through the Safety Program for Perinatal Care:
- Postpartum hemorrhage.
- Shoulder dystocia.
- Umbilical cord prolapse.
- Uterine tachysystole.
- Antepartum hemorrhage.
- Preeclampsia/seizure.
- Severe abdominal pain/vaginal birth after cesarean.
- Postoperative cesarean section complication.
- Magnesium toxicity.
Slide 28: Simulation Scenarios
- Other sample scenarios are available from professional organizations, perinatal quality and safety organizations, and commercial entities.12-14
- An accompanying video offers an example of an in situ simulation, including the briefing and debriefing process:
- Link to video:
- Also located in the AHRQ Toolkit for Improving Perinatal Safety:
Slide 29: Equipment
- In situ simulations generally use the equipment of the clinical area in which the simulation takes place.
- Some simulations may require a pelvic model or birthing simulator.
- The use of standardized patients ("actors") may replace simulators in many cases.
Slide 30: Logistics
- Create a schedule for simulation trainings that aligns with the unit’s shared vision and staff participation criteria.
- Plan for transportation of simulation equipment to/from unit.
- Store equipment in L&D unit, if possible.
- Set aside time for transport, setup, and dismantling.
Slide 31: Logistics
- Consider whether real or simulated medical supplies (e.g., drugs, blood) and equipment will be used.
- Use of real supplies—
- May prevent simulated drugs/medication/equipment from accidentally being used with real patients.
- Is wasteful, particularly when supply shortages exist.
- Use of simulated supplies—
- Requires vigilance to ensure supplies and equipment are clearly marked so will not mistakenly be used on actual patients.
- Requires use of infection-control practices for reuse of simulation equipment.
- Use of real supplies—
Slide 32: Conflicts With Patient Care
Prospectively designate standards and limits for conducting simulations on the unit.
- Scheduled in situ simulations may be cancelled or end early because of competing patient care demands.
- A time limit may be imposed on simulations and debriefing to reduce impact on clinical care.
Slide 33: Conflicts With Patient Care
Prospectively designate standards and limits for conducting simulations on the unit.
- Discussions with your hospital’s patient advocacy groups, if possible, may be beneficial.
- A Hospital Medical Center reported support from its family advocate group because benefits of simulation training outweighed disadvantages.3
Slide 34: Evaluation
Slide 35: Data for Evaluation
A successful in situ simulation training program requires evaluation and continuous improvement.11
- Consider using data from "safety culture" surveys.
- Collect participant evaluation forms.
- Collect qualitative feedback from staff participants who have participated in simulations.
- Use other measures to track the impact of the simulation program.
Slide 36: Designing Measures: Clarify Purpose1
- Diagnose root causes of performance deficiencies:
- Identify specific weaknesses, such as poor "SBAR."
- Provide feedback:
- Relay information regarding strengths and weaknesses as a remediation plan.
- Conduct assessment:
- Evaluate the level of proficiency or readiness.
Slide 37: Designing Measures: What To Measure1
- Outcomes (Measures of Effectiveness):
- Provide an indication of the extent to which the outcome of the task was successful.
- Accuracy: Precision of performance (e.g., correct diagnosis, appropriate treatment).
- Timeliness: How long? (e.g., time to incision, time to transfusion).
- Productivity: How much? (e.g., patient volume in L&D).
- Efficiency: Ratio of resources required versus used (e.g., operating room supplies).
- Provide an indication of the extent to which the outcome of the task was successful.
Slide 38: Designing Measures: What To Measure1
- Processes (Measures of Performance):
- Explain how and why certain outcomes may have happened—"Was the decision made right (correctly)?" versus "Was the right decision made?"
- Important when diagnosing root causes of performance deficiencies and providing feedback or follow-on training:
- Types of process.
- Procedural: Task work.
- Nonprocedural: Task work.
- Teamwork.
Slide 39: Unit Next Steps
- Obtain support from leadership for establishing a program of in situ simulation training.
- Build foundation needed for simulation with TeamSTEPPS teamwork training.
- Develop participation criteria, choose scenarios, plan logistics, and secure equipment.
- Pilot-test program on a small scale prior to widespread unit implementation.
Slide 40: References
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Using Simulation in TeamSTEPPS Training: Classroom Slides. Rockville, MD: AHRQ; October 2014.
- Casper L. Simulations and Drills. In: CMQCC Obstetric Hemorrhage Toolkit: Obstetric Hemorrhage Care Guidelines and Compendium of Best Practices. Jan 2010.
- Patterson MD, Blike GT, Nadkarni VM. In situ simulation: challenges and results. In: Henriksen K, Battles JB, Keyes MA, Grady ML, eds. Advances in Patient Safety: New Directions and Alternative Approaches (Vol. 3: Performance and Tools). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; August 2008.
- Deering S, Johnston LC, Colacchio K. Multidisciplinary teamwork and communication training. Seminars in Perinatology April 2011;35(2):89-96. PMID: 21440817.
- Riley W, Davis S, Miller K, Hansen H, Sainfort F, Sweet R. Didactic and simulation nontechnical skills team training to improve perinatal patient outcomes in a community hospital. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2011 Aug;37(8):357-64. PMID: 21874971.
- Riley W, Davis S, Miller KM, Hansen H, Sweet RM. Detecting breaches in defensive barriers using in situ simulation for obstetric emergencies. Qual Saf Health Care 2010 Oct;19 Suppl 3:i53-6. PMID: 20724391.
- Riley W, Davis SE, Miller KK, McCullough M. A model for developing high-reliability teams. J Nurs Manag 2010 Jul;18(5):556-63. PMID: 20636504.
Slide 41: References
- Draycott TJ, Crofts JF, Ash JP, et al. Improving neonatal outcome through practical shoulder dystocia training. Obstet Gynecol July 2008;112(1):14-20. PMID: 18591302.
- Phipps MG, Lindquist DG, McConaughey E, et al. Outcomes from a labor and delivery team training program with simulation component. Am J Obstet Gynecol Jan 2012;206(1):3-9. PMID: 21840493.
- Ellis D, Crofts JF, Hunt LP, et al. Hospital, simulation center, and teamwork training for eclampsia management: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol March 2008;111(3):723-31. PMID: 18310377.
- Miller KK, Riley W, Davis S, Hansen, HE. In situ simulation: a method of experiential learning to promote safety and team behavior. J Perinat Neonat Nurs 2008;22(2):105-13. PMID: 18496069.
- Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care. Postpartum Hemorrhage: Resources. Accessed May 9, 2016.
- California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative. OB Hemorrhage Toolkit V 2.0. Improving Health Care Response to Obstetric Hemorrhage, Version 2.0: A California Toolkit to Transform Maternity Care. Released March 2015. Accessed May 9, 2016.
- American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. ACOG Simulations Consortium Learning Objectives: Postpartum Hemorrhage Caused by Uterine Atony. n.d. Accessed May 9, 2016.
Slide 42: Disclaimer
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