Figure 3.2 is a flowchart of SATIS-PHI/CRC participants:
Total pool of practices and patients: 20 practices and 12,808 initially eligible patients.
Intervention group: 15 practices; 10,063 initially eligible patients minus 328 ineligible by electronic records, minus 73 ineligible by chart audit miinus 1,342 ineligible by SEA form equals 8,320 deemed eligible patients; 355 excluded eligible patients (55 undeliverables plus 300 opt-outs) equals study participant population of 7,965 intervention patients.
No randomization: 13 practices, 5,618 patients allocated to request card arm.
Randomization: 2 practices, 2,347 patients, of whom 1,877 patients were randomized to request card arm and 470 patients were randomized to stool test kit arm.
Control group: 5 practices; 2,745 initially eligible patients minus 60 ineligible by electronic records minus 23 ineligible by chart audit equals 2,662 deemed eligible patients.
Study participant population: 2,662 control patients; adjusted denominator equals 2,199 control patients.