Figure 1.2 is a diagram showing the six steps in SATIS-PHI/CRC intervention:
Step 1. Recruit practices; obtain endorsement from all clinicians to represent their practice and contact their patients. Step 1 leads directly to Step 2. Conduct academic detailing; bring clinician knowledge and behavior into line with current guidelines for screening and followup. Step 1 also leads directly to Step 3. Identify eligible patients; based on electronic records review and SEA form.
Step 4. Mail screening materials; mail screening invitation, information, and materials on behalf of practices.
Step 5. Track screening; based on electronic records review and chart audits. A dotted line goes from Step 5 to Step 4.
The last step is Step 6. Provide feedback; notify practices of screening results and recommended followup.
Steps 2 and 4 lead to the patient outcome of screening. Steps 2 and 6 lead to the patient outcome of followup of positive screens.