Identifier | Description | Input Value | Reference |
Event115 | Poor hygiene while dressing | 0.1 | Best guess |
Event116 | Linen contaminated | 0.05 | Best guess |
Event136 | Fail to wash hands properly (OR staff) | 0.12 | Sharir et al. 2001—literature indicates this probability is in general much lower (around 12%) for OR staff doing invasive procedures than other staff (where it can be as high as 40%) |
Event138 | Fail to remove watch/jewelry/fake nails | 0.15 | Kennedy et al. 2004—this is a conservative estimate, can be as high as 30-40% |
Event142 | Staff not well-trained in infection control | 0.3 | Babcock et al. 2002 based on multi-institutional survey, but highly depends on the site; sensitivity analysis needed |
Event145 | Skin lesion near incision site | 0.001 | Prevalence of skin lesion estimated at 0.002, split equally btw Ev 145 and 147 |
Event146 | Fail to halt opern prior to identifying skin lesion | 0.001 | Best guess (sub-TEP indicated the probability of this failure was small) |
Event147 | Open skin lesions (entire body) | 0.001 | Prevalence of skin lesion estimated at 0.002, split equally btw Ev 145m 147 |
Event148 | Fail to schedule OP after infections are resolved | 0.001 | Best guess (sub-TEP indicated the probability of this failure was small) |
Event169 | Other pt SSI risk | 0.00046 | Calculated from other probability estimates in the model (1—proportion of all other patient types connected to Gate 2) |
Event173 | Staff fails to provide pt with instruction (for weight reduction) | 0.9 | From Tony (not done in ASCs at all, so 0.9 is a conservative estimate, implying this is done 10% of the time) |
Event182 | Fail to administer indicated antibiotics | 0.2 | Burke et al. 2001, Silver et al. 1996., Van Kasteren et al. 2007 (high variation in estimates, ranging from 20% to 60% — sensitivity analysis req'd) |
Event192 | Fail to use correct antiseptic | 0.003 | Gt 236=0.125 (fail to prep appropriately, from Babcock et al. 2003), split equally among Ev 192, 193, 613, 614. So = 0.125/4=0.003125 |
Event193 | Fail to use for appropriate time | 0.003 | Gt 236=0.125 (fail to prep appropriately, from Babcock et al. 2003), split equally among Ev 192, 193, 613, 614. So = 0.125/4=0.003125 |
Event203 | Fail to wash hand (non-OR staff) | 0.38 | Sharir et al. 2001 |
Event21 | Pt fails to follow instruction (for smoking cessation) | 0.13 | From Tony, proportion of pts who do not disclose smoking status is 50% (agrees with the literature; Schofield et al indicates this is 40%). For smokers who disclose their status (50% of them), 13-15% will not follow instructions for smoking cessation. |
Event210 | Lack of 2 filter beds in series | 0.00625 | Gt 105 improper ventilation system=0.05 (best guess), equally split among Ev 210, 612, 213, 611, 325, 328, 326, 327 |
Event213 | Not introducing air at ceiling | 0.00625 | Gt 105 improper ventilation system=0.05 (best guess), equally split among Ev 210, 612, 213, 611, 325, 328, 326, 327 |
Event220 | For visible soiling, fail to use disinfection aft OP | 0.000033 | From Tony, Fail to clean OR=0.0001 (very small probability), divided equally among Ev 220, 221, and 222. |
Event221 | Poor routine cleaning after each OP | 0.000033 | From Tony, Fail to clean OR=0.0001 (very small probability), divide equally among Ev 220, 221, and 222. |
Event222 | Fail to wet-vacuum floor w/ disinftn after last OP | 0.000033 | From Tony, Fail to clean OR=0.0001 (very small probability), divide equally among Ev 220, 221, and 222. |
Event235 | Drape gets contamtd during opern | 0.001667 | From Tony, Draping-related failure=0.01, split equally among its children events. So 0.01/6=0.001667 |
Event236 | Fail to notice drape not sterilize | 0.001667 | From Tony, Draping-related failure=0.01, split equally among its children events. So 0.01/6=0.001667 |
Event237 | Drape pulls bug to SS | 0.001667 | From Tony, Draping-related failure=0.01, split equally among its children events. So 0.01/6=0.001667 |
Event239 | Fail to prevent hypothermia | 0.01 | From Tony |
Event240 | Inappropriate use of drain material | 0.01 | From Tony |
Event241 | Tourniquet time >60min | 0.082 | Demers et al. 1998 |
Event242 | Excessive surg time | 0.05 | Best guess |
Event270 | Anesthetic risk | 0.05 | DeLee. 1985 |
Event28 | Pt colonized with MRSA | 0.1 | Kim et al. 2010, Barbos et al. 2010., large variation, from 4.4% to 37.2%, sensitivity analysis req'd. |
Event29 | Non-MRSA pt (complement to Gt 28) | 0.9 | Complement to Ev 28, 1-0.1=0.9 |
Event30 | Fail to prep skin appropriately | 0.125 | Babcock et al. 2003, Gottrup et al. 2005, variation from 12.5% to 25% |
Event306 | Not assessed during pre-op visit (obesity) | 0.01 | Best guess |
Event307 | Not assessed during pre-op call (obesity) | 0.05 | From Tony |
Event322 | Fail to notice drape has holes | 0.001667 | From Tony, Draping-related failure=0.01, split equally among its children events. So 0.01/6=0.001667 |
Event323 | Break in steril technique/field | 0.02 | From Tony |
Event325 | Temp ctrl problems | 0.00625 | Gt 105 improper ventilation system=0.05 (best guess), equally split btw Ev 210, 612, 213, 611, 325, 328, 326, 327 |
Event326 | Humidity problems | 0.00625 | Gt 105 improper ventilation system=0.05 (best guess), equally split btw Ev 210, 612, 213, 611, 325, 328, 326, 327 |
Event327 | Air flow problems | 0.00625 | Gt 105 improper ventilation system=0.05 (best guess), equally split btw Ev 210, 612, 213, 611, 325, 328, 326, 327 |
Event328 | Other (ventilation not working prblems) | 0.00625 | Gt 105 improper ventilation system=0.05 (best guess), equally split btw Ev 210, 612, 213, 611, 325, 328, 326, 327 |
Event329 | Surgeon fails to inform staff of special needs | 0.014286 | Gt 64 High traffic in OR=0.1 (Pryor et al., 1998.), equally split btw Ev 329, 610, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 |
Event330 | Other (fail to min entry/exit and inappr traff pattns) | 0.014286 | Gt 64 High traffic in OR=0.1 (Pryor et al., 1998.), equally split btw Ev 329, 610, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 |
Event331 | Lunch breaks | 0.014286 | Gt 64 High traffic in OR=0.1 (Pryor et al., 1998.), equally split btw Ev 329, 610, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 |
Event332 | Other (fail to minimize staff changes) | 0.014286 | Gt 64 High traffic in OR=0.1 (Pryor et al., 1998.), equally split btw Ev 329, 610, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 |
Event333 | Fail to restrict residents | 0.014286 | Gt 64 High traffic in OR=0.1 (Pryor et al., 1998.), equally split btw Ev 329, 610, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 |
Event334 | Fail to restrict family members | 0.014286 | Gt 64 High traffic in OR=0.1 (Pryor et al., 1998.), equally split btw Ev 329, 610, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 |
Event336 | Not enough instruments or instrument failure | 0.003 | DeLee. 1985. |
Event34 | Fail to shave SS right before procedure | 0.01 | From Tony; similar % in Mangram et al., 1999. |
Event353 | Bug moves to pt (fail to decontaminate bug from staff) | 0.15 | Best guess |
Event373 | Bug moves to pt (MRSA or other bugs on the stethoscopes) | 0.05 | Best guess |
Event38 | Not noticed or managed | 0.001 | Best guess |
Event393 | Fail to closure appropriately | 0.001 | From Tony |
Event394 | Bug gets to SS (fail to closure appropriately) | 0.15 | Best guess |
Event395 | Bug gets to SS (fail to suture appropriately) | 0.15 | Best guess |
Event396 | Staff contaminated | 0.05 | Kim et al. 2010. |
Event404 | Poor post-op directions to pt | 0.15 | From Jackson et al. 1991., for 68% of these patients, the mean reading comprehension level was below the ninth grade while most of the commonly used brochures provided to the patients were written at a level far above their ability to comprehend (77% of the materials were written at the eleventh-grade level). Kincey et al. 1975 estimates this as 0.15. |
Event405 | Pt understands but not follows directions | 0.1 | Mangram et al. 1999 and Czarneki et al. 2007. |
Event417 | Pt not available for post-op call | 0.15 | From Tony |
Event418 | Nurse fails to recognize infection | 0.12 | Nurse not assesses 0.16*(1-Event 417)=0.12 |
Event419 | Pt fails to come for post-op visit | 0.15 | From Tony |
Event421 | Post-op visit but physicn fails to manage infect | 0.01 | Mangram et al. 1999 |
Event422 | Fails to notice or mang (pt gets bug during post-op visit) | 0.2 | Best guess |
Event423 | Pt gets bug during post-op visit | 0.1 | Best guess |
Event424 | Bug moves to SS (pt gets bug dur post-op vst and not mang) | 0.01 | Best guess |
Event433 | Pt has bug post-op (pt has bug after post-op visit) | 0.05 | Best guess |
Event45 | Inadequate draping | 0.001667 | From Tony, Draping-related failure=0.01, split equally among its children events. So 0.01/6=0.001667. |
Event450 | Obese but not diabetes pt (30≤BMI<40) | 0.293 | 33.8% obese (not morbidly obese) in the US adult population. Then Prevalence of obese pt -Ev653 (obese and diabetic) = 0.338-0.045=0.293. |
Event456 | Pt is a smoker and has COPD | 0.053395 | (proportion of smokers-proportion of elderly smokers)*prevalence of COPD in the smoking population. Adult Cigarette Smoking in US: 20.6% (from CDC). 13.62% patients are elderly (≥65 years of age) in the arthroscopic knee surgery population [CA 2008 SASD]. From Stang et al. 2000., 30% of smokers have COPD. So (0.206-0.1362*0.206)*0.30=0.05338284. |
Event459 | SSI if bug gets to SS (elderly, not diabetic, and non-smoker) | 0.014 | Kaye et al. 2005 |
Event46 | Fail to airdry disinf bfr drape | 0.001667 | From Tony, Draping-related failure=0.01, split equally among its children events. So 0.01/6=0.001667 |
Event47 | Fail to suture appropriately | 0.001 | From Tony |
Event473 | Pt w/ vascular compromise in limb | 0.01 | From Shammas 2007., the prevalence of peripheral vascular disease in the general population is around 10%, so estimated the prevalence of pt w/ vascular compromise in limb as 1% |
Event475 | SSI if bug gets to SS (pt w/ skin lesion, near incision site and fail to mitigate) | 0.03 | Best guess |
Event476 | SSI if bug gets to SS (pt w/ skin lesion, entire body and fail to mitigate) | 0.03 | Best guess |
Event48 | Antiseptic not used | 0.1 | Mangram et al. 1999 |
Event482 | Staff fails to provide pt with instruction (for compromised immune system patients) | 0.05 | Best guess |
Event483 | Pt fails to follow instruction (for compromised immune system patients) | 0.05 | Best guess |
Event49 | Site not cleansed appropriately | 0.1 | Best guess |
Event494 | AIDS pt | 0.004 | Marks et al. 2006, prevalence of AIDS patients in the US |
Event496 | Pt with systemic steroid use | 0.01 | Babcock et al. 2003 |
Event497 | Pt w/ rheumatoid disease | 0.05 | Grennan et al. 2001 |
Event498 | Cured or not under treatment | 0.000031 | CA 2008 SASD Database, proportion of cancer patients undergoing arthroscopic surgery used as an estimate of this probability |
Event499 | SSI if bug gets to SS (cancer pt cured or not under treatment) | 0.01 | Berbari et al. 1998 |
Event50 | Dressing torn off | 0.01 | From Tony |
Event500 | SSI if bug gets to SS (AIDS pt, risk not mitigated) | 0.09 | Abalo et al. 2010 |
Event501 | Risk mitigated (complement to Gt 249) | 0.8 | gate 24 |
Event502 | SSI if bug gets to SS (AIDS pt, risk mitigated) | 0.06 | Abalo et al. 2010 |
Event503 | SSI if bug gets to SS (pt w/ rheumatoid disease) | 0.0187 | Best guess |
Event504 | Risk mitigated (complement to Gt 249) | 0.8 | Complement to Gt 249, so 1-0.2=0.8 |
Event505 | SSI if bug gets to SS(pt w/ rheumatoid disease SSI risk, mitigated) | 0.01 | Best guess |
Event506 | SSI if bug gets to SS (pt w/ Systemic steroid use, risk not mitigated) | 0.0187 | Post et al. 1993 |
Event507 | Risk mitigated (complement to Gt 249) | 0.8 | Complement to Gt 249, so 1-0.2=0.8 |
Event508 | SSI if bug gets to SS (pt w/ Systemic steroid use, risk mitigated) | 0.0187 | Assume if mitigated, then risk same as healthy patient |
Event509 | Pt on Immunosuppressive drugs | 0.001 | Prevalence in the US is 300,000/300M=0.1% |
Event51 | Dressing not applied correctly | 0.01 | From Tony |
Event510 | SSI if bug gets to SS (pt on Immunosuppressive drugs) | 0.0187 | Best guess |
Event512 | Risk mitigated (complement to Gt 249) | 0.8 | Complement to Gt 249, so 1-0.2=0.8 |
Event513 | SSI if bug gets to SS (Pt on Immunosuppressive drugs, mitigated) | 0.01 | Best guess |
Event516 | Fail to assess during vitals check | 0.0005 | Best guess (very small) |
Event517 | Fail to reschedule OP (after high temp assessed) | 0.0005 | Best guess (very small) |
Event519 | Glucose level controlled pre-op (Gt 10 complement) | 0.97 | Gt 10 complement |
Event52 | IV phlebitis | 0.016 | Arjona et al. 1997 |
Event520 | Glucose level not controlled post-op | 0.27 | Latham et al. 2001 |
Event521 | SSI if bug gets to SS (diabetes (not obese) pt, GL controlled pre-op but not post-op) | 0.03 | Boulton et al. 2005. |
Event522 | SSI if bug gets to SS (diabetes (not obese) pt, GL controlled post-op but not pre-op) | 0.03 | Boulton et al. 2005. |
Event523 | Glucose level controlled post-op | 0.73 | Latham et al. 2001 |
Event524 | Glucose level controlled pre-op | 0.97 | same as Event 519 |
Event525 | SSI if bug gets to pt (diabetes (not obese) pt,GL controlled, pre-op and post-op) | 0.02 | Boulton et al. 2005. |
Event526 | Glucose level controlled post-op | 0.73 | same as Event 523 |
Event527 | Glucose level not controlled post-op | 0.27 | same as Event 520 |
Event528 | SSI if bug gets to pt (diabetes (not obese) pt, GL fail to control pre-op and post op) | 0.077 | Latham et al. 2001 |
Event529 | Malnourished pt | 0.001 | From Tony (very small proportion of malnourished pts in the US) |
Event53 | Pt hands contaminated | 0.05 | Best guess |
Event530 | Nutritional status not improved pre-op | 1 | From Tony (ASCs do not assess nutritional status) |
Event531 | SSI if bug gets to SS (malnourished pt, not mitigated) | 0.05 | Klein et al. 1996 |
Event539 | Alcoholic | 0.04 | Spies et al. 2004 (proportion of alcoholism in the US population) |
Event543 | SSI if bug gets to SS (obese pt, weight not redcd and nutrition not impr) | 0.0325 | Olsen et al. 2008 |
Event544 | Weight reduced and nutrition impr | 0.1 | Best guess (not routinely done in ASCs for obese pts) |
Event545 | SSI if bug gets to SS (obese pt, weight reduced and nutrition impr) | 0.01 | Best guess |
Event546 | Pt does not provide accurate info | 0.37 | From Schofield et al. 1999, smoking self-disclosure rate=0.63, so 1-0.63=0.37 |
Event550 | Acute risk | 0.03 | from Myles et al. 2002, smoker SSI risk split equally btw Ev 550, 558 |
Event552 | Stp smk pre-op but starts in rec phase | 0.2 | Complement of Gt 14, 0.5*0.4=0.2. From Evangelista et al. 2000., compliance rates range from 10%-85% depending on the population and the medical regimen studied. Estimated that pt lack of compliance w/ discharge orders=40% |
Event553 | Acute risk | 0.03 | Myles et al. 2002, smoker SSI risk split equally btw Ev 553, 554 |
Event554 | Chronic risk (underlying heart disease) | 0.03 | Myles et al. 2002, smoker SSI risk split equally btw Ev 553, 554 |
Event555 | Pt stops smoking pre-op and post-op | 0.3 | (1-Gt 14)*pt complies post-op=(1-0.5)*0.6=0.3 |
Event558 | Chronic risk (underlying heart disease) | 0.03 | Myles et al. 2002, smoker SSI risk split equally btw Ev 550, 558 |
Event561 | SSI if bug gets to SS (pt w/ vascular compromise in limb) | 0.02 | Best guess |
Event591 | Bug moves to SS (due to inappropriate prep) | 0.692 | From Kim et al. 2010, for MRSA patients |
Event592 | Bug moves to SS (due to inappropriate prep) | 0.1 | Best guess |
Event593 | Staff w/ active skin infection | 0.0525 | From Jeans et al. 2010., rate of S. aureus carriage in health-care workers: 10.5%-39.7%, conservative estimate of 10.5% split btw Ev 593, 594 |
Event594 | Other (rather than staff w/ active skin infection) | 0.0525 | From Jeans et al. 2010., rate of S. aureus carriage in health-care workers: 10.5%-39.7%, conservative estimate of 10.5% split btw Ev 593, 594 |
Event599 | Fail to report infection | 0.01 | Mangram et al. 1999 |
Event605 | Infection subtle | 0.04 | Best guess |
Event610 | Inappropriate traffic patterns | 0.014286 | Gt 64 High traffic in OR=0.1 (Pryor et al., 1998.), equally split btw Ev 329, 610, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 |
Event611 | Improper air exchange | 0.00625 | Gt 105 improper ventilation system=0.05 (best guess), equally split btw Ev 210, 612, 213, 611, 325, 328, 326, 327 |
Event612 | Insufficient efficiency | 0.00625 | Gt 105 improper ventilation system=0.05 (Pryor et al., 1998.), equally split btw Ev 210, 612, 213, 611, 325, 328, 326, 327 |
Event613 | Contaminating the site | 0.003 | Gt 236=0.125 (fail to prep appropriately, from Babcock et al. 2003), split equally among Ev 192, 193, 613, 614. So=0.125/4=0.003125 |
Event614 | Cleansing from dirty to clean | 0.003 | Gt 236=0.125 (fail to prep appropriately, from Babcock et al. 2003), split equally among Ev 192, 193, 613, 614. So=0.125/4=0.003125 |
Event618 | SSI if bug gets to SS (alcoholic pt, mitigated) | 0.01 | Best guess |
Event619 | SSI if bug gets to SS (alcoholic pt, not mitigated) | 0.026 | Spies et al.2004. |
Event621 | Pt does not provide accurate info (on alcoholic status) | 0.37 | Schofield et al. 1999., 63% of patients revealed to admission staff that they were alcoholic, so 1-0.63=0.37 |
Event622 | Pt fails to comply with instruction (on stopping drinking—alcoholic pt) | 0.13 | Event 21 estimate (for smokers) used here also |
Event624 | Mitigated (for alcoholic pt) | 0.5 | From Tony |
Event625 | Glucose level not controlled pre-op | 0.03 | From Tony |
Event627 | Fail to assess, ctrl pre-op and postpone surg (vascular compromise in limb) | 1 | From Tony |
Event628 | GLl not controlled pre-op (Ev 519 complement) | 0.03 | Event 519 complement, 1-0.97=0.03 |
Event630 | Acute and chronic risk (pt stops smoking pre-op and post-op) | 0.01 | Best guess |
Event631 | Fail to assess compromised immu sys | 0.1 | Best guess |
Event632 | Dialysis pt | 0.001 | As of 2007 there were 368,544 US residents with end stage renal disease receiving dialysis. (Kidney diseases), estimated as 0.001 |
Event633 | Fail to screen pre-op (for MRSA) (dialysis pt) | 1 | Routine MRSA test not done—site visits |
Event634 | Fail to screen pre-op (for MRSA) (elderly pt) | 1 | Routine MRSA test not done -site visits |
Event635 | Elderly pt | 0.1362 | From CA 2008 SASD |
Event636 | Fail to screen pre-op (for MRSA) (nursing home pt) | 1 | Routine MRSA test not done-site visits |
Event637 | Nursing home pt | 0.005 | Jones et al. 2009., as of 2004 there were 1,492,200 nursing home patients in the USA, estimated as 0.005 |
Event638 | Fail to screen pre-op (for MRSA) (pt with history of MRSA) | 1 | Routine MRSA test not done-site visits |
Event639 | Pt with history of MRSA | 0.002 | Klein et al. 2007. The estimated number of MRSA hospitalizations in 2005 was 278,203, estimated as 0.002 |
Event640 | Fail to screen pre-op (for MRSA) (other pt) | 1 | Routine MRSA test not done-site visits |
Event641 | Other pt | 0.8558 | 1-all the non "other pts", such as dialysis pt, etc. |
Event642 | Bug gets to pt (fail to protect pt effectively) | 0.2 | Best guess |
Event643 | Bug gets to pt (surgical procedure puts pt at higher risk) | 0.2 | Best guess |
Event644 | Fail to readmin (antibiotics) for longer surgery | 0.1 | Burke et al. 2001., Silver et al. 1996., Van Kasteren et al. 2007. |
Event645 | Morbidly obese pt (BMI>=40) | 0.057 | CDC web site and Flegal et al. 2002. |
Event647 | Elderly, diabetic, and non-smoker | 0.020644 | Elderly pt prevalence*percentage of elderly diabetic pt*(1-prevalence of smokers). Elderly pt prevalence= 13.62% [CA 2008 SASD arthroscopic knee surgery patient population]. Percentage of elderly diabetic pt = 19% []. Prevalence of smokers in the US =20.6% (CDC). So 0.1362*0.19*(1-0.206)=0.0206 |
Event648 | Elderly, not diabetic, and non-smoker | 0.08734 | Elderly pt prevalence*(1-percentage of elderly diabetic pt)*(1-prevalence of smokers). Elderly pt prevalence= 13.62% [CA 2008 SASD arthroscopic knee surgery patient population]. Percentage of elderly diabetic pt = 19% []. Prevalence of smokers in the US =20.6% (CDC). So 0.1362*(1-0.19)*(1-0.206)=0.087 |
Event649 | SSI if bug gets to SS (elderly, diabetic, and non-smoker) | 0.0378 | Olsen et al. 2002. |
Event651 | Diabetes pt not diagnosed | 0.026 | It is estimated that 23.6 million people are afflicted in the United States, accounting for approximately 7.8% of the population. Nearly one third of persons with diabetes are unaware that they have DM. Boulton et al. 2005. |
Event652 | SSI if bug gets to SS (diabetes pt not diagnosed) | 0.02 | Boulton et al. 2005. |
Event653 | Diabetes and obese pt | 0.045 | 38.6% of the obese suffer diabetes. Prevalence of obese pt who are diabetics around 4.5% |
Event654 | Diabetes but not obese pt | 0.007 | From McMillen 2011, nearly one third of persons with diabetes are unaware that they have DM. So two thirds of the diabetes pt-diabetes and obese pt=0.078*(2/3)-0.045=0.007 |
Event655 | SSI if bug gets to SS (diabetes (and obese) pt, GL controlled pre-op but not post-op) | 0.077 | Olsen et al. 2002. |
Event656 | SSI if bug gets to SS (diabetes (and obese) pt, GL controlled post-op but not pre-op) | 0.077 | Olsen et al. 2002. |
Event657 | SSI if bug gets to pt (diabetes (and obese) pt,GL controlled, pre-op and post-op) | 0.04 | Olsen et al. 2008 |
Event658 | SSI if bug gets to pt (diabetes (and obese) pt, GL fail to control pre-op and post op) | 0.1 | Boulton et al. 2005. |
Event659 | Glove puncture | 0.18 | Duke Infection Control Group 2011. |
Event660 | Pt fails to notice infection | 0.16 | Mangram et al. 1999 |
Event670 | Elderly, diabetic, and smoker | 0.005356 | Elderly pt prevalence *percentage of elderly diabetic pt* prevalence of smokers. Elderly pt prevalence= 13.62% [CA 2008 SASD arthroscopic knee surgery patient population]. Percentage of elderly diabetic pt = 19%. Prevalence of smokers in the US=20.6% (CDC). So 0.1362*0.19*0.206=0.0053 |
Event671 | SSI if bug gets to SS (elderly, diabetic, and smoker) | 0.1134 | Olsen et al. 2002. |
Event672 | Elderly, not diabetic, and smoker | 0.02266 | Elderly pt prevalence*(1-percentage of elderly diabetic pt)*prevalence of smokers. Elderly pt prevalence= 13.62% [CA 2008 SASD arthroscopic knee surgery patient population]. Percentage of elderly diabetic pt = 19%. Prevalence of smokers in the US =20.6% (CDC). So 0.1362*(1-0.19)*0.206=0.02 |
Event673 | SSI if bug gets to SS (smoker and elderly, not diabetic) | 0.042 | Kaye et al. 2005. |
Event674 | MRSA or other bugs on the stethoscopes | 0.32 | Merlin et al. 2009 |
Event676 | SSI if bug gets to SS (malnourished pt, mitigated) | 0.01 | Assume, when mitigated, risk same as healthy pt |
Event677 | Pt is a smoker but has no COPD | 0.124589 | (prevalence of smokers-elderly smokers)*(1-prevalence of COPD in the smoking population). Adult Cigarette Smoking in US: 20.6% (CDC). % elderly patients (>=65 years of age) in the arthroscopic knee surgery population is 13.62% [CA 2008 SASD arthroscopic knee surgery patient population]. From Stang et al. 2000., 30% of smokers have COPD. So (0.206-0.1362*0.206)*(1-0.30)=0.12458 |
Event678 | Stp smk pre-op but starts in rec phase | 0.2 | Same as Ev552 |
Event679 | Pt stops smoking pre-op and post-op | 0.3 | Same as Ev555 |
Event680 | Acute and chronic risk (pt stops smoking pre-op and post-op) | 0.01 | Assume, when mitigated, risk same as health pt |
Event682 | Pt fails to follow instruction | 0.13 | Same as Ev21 |
Event683 | Acute risk (COPD) | 0.06 | Best guess |
Event684 | Chronic risk (underlying heart disease, COPD) | 0.06 | Best guess |
Event685 | Acute risk (COPD) | 0.06 | Best guess |
Event686 | Chronic risk (underlying heart disease, COPD) | 0.06 | Best guess |
Event687 | Pt does not provide accurate info | 0.37 | Same as Event 621 |
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Proactive Risk Assessment of Surgical Site Infection in Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Appendix G. References for Fault Tree Model Probability Estimates
Table of Contents
- Proactive Risk Assessment of Surgical Site Infection in Ambulatory Surgery Centers
- Executive Summary
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. ST-PRA Development
- Chapter 3. Risk-Informed Interventions
- Chapter 4. Conclusions and Next Steps
- Appendix A. Literature Review
- Appendix B. Database Analysis
- Appendix C. Site Visit Protocol
- Appendix D. Site Visit Process Comparison
- Appendix E. Study Parameters
- Appendix F. ST-PRA Fault Tree Model With Probability Estimates
- Appendix G. References for Fault Tree Model Probability Estimates
- References
Publication: 12-0045-EF
Page last reviewed October 2018
Page originally created April 2013
Internet Citation: Appendix G. References for Fault Tree Model Probability Estimates. Content last reviewed October 2018. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.