National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report
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The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)'s publications offer practical information to help a variety of health care organizations, providers, and others make care safer in all health care settings.
Spanish Consumer Guide: Si tiene que hacerse una biopsia del seno
This consumer guide from the Effective Health Care program is greater than 3 years old. Findings may be used for research purposes, but should not be considered current.
Publication Date: Publication Number: A1417-EHC040-B
Inventory and Prioritization of Measures To Support the Growing Effort in Transparency Using All-Payer Claims Databases
AHRQ funded the All-Payer Claims Databases (APCDs) project to learn more about how APCDs are used and how their uses can be expanded. This report provides background on APCDs and the APCD project, uses of APCD-based measures, and evaluation of data from a few State APCDs.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 17-0022-1-EF
Consumer Guide - Managing Gout: A Review of the Research for Adults
This guide from the Effective Health Care Program presents treatment options for gout. Researchers looked at 154 research studies on treating gout.
Publication Date: Publication Number: A1617-EHC017-A
A Summary of the First Annual Workshop of AHRQ’s Comparative Health System Performance Initiative
AHRQ and the Coordinating Center of the Comparative Health System Performance Initiative held a workshop September 29, 2016, to share learning and advance the initiative’s research agenda. This document summarizes the workshop content and identifies next steps.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 17-0018-EF
Behavioral Programs To Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes: A Review of the Research for Adults
This summary from the Effective Health Care program discusses what researchers have found about behavioral programs to help manage type 2 diabetes. It does not cover specific treatments. The summary is greater than 3 years old. Findings may be used for research purposes but should not be considered current.
Publication Date: Publication Number: A1617-EHC031-A
Behavioral Programs To Help Manage Type 1 Diabetes: A Review of the Research for Children,Teens,and Adults
This summary from the Effective Health Care program discusses what researchers have found about behavioral programs to help manage type 1 diabetes. It does not cover specific treatments. The summary is greater than 3 years old. Findings may be used for research purposes but should not be considered current.
Publication Date: Publication Number: A1617-EHC005-A
Workforce Configurations to Provide High-Quality, Comprehensive Primary Care
To inform the development of effective, new models of workforce configuration to meet the growing need for primary care, AHRQ commissioned eight case examples of exemplar primary care practices to explore the delivery of comprehensive, high-quality primary care. This project presents findings on how to configure and pay for the workforce that is needed to deliver fully comprehensive, high-quality primary care across the U.S. population.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 16(17)-0046
Spanish Consumer Guide - Medicamentos para tratar el trastorno por consumo de alcohol
Investigadores financiados por la AHRQ (Agencia para la Investigación y la Calidad de la Atención Médica; AHRQ, por su sigla en inglés), una agencia de investigación del gobierno federal, revisaron estudios acerca de los medicamentos para tratar la dependencia de alcohol y el trastorno por consumo de alcohol publicados entre enero de 1970 y octubre de 2013. El informe incluyó 135 estudios y fue revisado por profesionales de la atención médica, investigadores, expertos y el público..
Publication Date: Publication Number: A1417-EHC029-B
Chartbook on Person- and Family-Centered Care
This chartbook includes a summary of quality and disparities across measures of person- and family-centered care from the National Healthcare Quality and Disparties Report and figures illustrating select measures of person- and family-centered care. A PowerPoint version is also available that users can download for presentations.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 16(17)-0015-9-EF
Chartbook on Effective Treatment
This chartbook includes a summary of quality and disparities across measures of effective treatment from the National Healthcare Quality and Disparties Report and figures illustrating select measures of effective treatment. A PowerPoint version is also available that users can download for presentations.
Publication Date: Publication Number: 16-0015-8-EF