National Healthcare Safety Measures
The National Action Alliance uses multiple resources to measure trends in patient and workforce safety. Links to these resources and descriptions of them are below. Use these measurement resources to understand trends in patient safety at the national level and benchmark safety standards at your organization.
National Healthcare Safety Dashboard
The vision of the National Action Alliance for Patient and Workforce Safety is "safe care everywhere, zero preventable harm for all," with a goal to reduce patient and workforce harm by 50 percent from its pandemic-driven high by 2026. To track our progress toward this goal, the National Action Alliance has launched the National Healthcare Safety Dashboard, bringing together critical safety data from key federal partners. This first iteration of the dashboard tracks hospital safety measures, with plans to expand to include other healthcare settings, such as ambulatory clinics and nursing homes, in future iterations.
Chartbook on Patient Safety
The Chartbook on Patient Safety is part of a family of documents and tools that support the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR) and includes a summary of trends across those patient safety measures reported in the QDR.
AHRQ Quality and Safety Review System
The Quality and Safety Review System (QSRS) measures the rate of adverse events among hospital patients covered by Medicare and creates a nationally representative baseline to assess the impact of ongoing patient safety improvement initiatives.
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