National Action Alliance Webinar: Leadership Strategies That Improve Workforce Safety and Well-Being
Healthcare leaders today face increasing demands to safeguard their teams and the patients they serve. A webinar on October 8 provided practical tools and strategies to address these challenges and offer a systems-based approach to integrating staff well-being into leadership practices. Our expert panel highlighted research-based evidence highlighting effective leadership strategies, and shared how specific approaches are being applied in real-world contexts to create safer, healthier work environments.
Action Alliance Webinar: Leadership Strategies That Improve Workforce Safety and Well-Being (56:28)
- Allan Frankel, MD, Managing Principal, Vizient, Inc., shared his expertise on well-being-focused leader rounding. This practice goes beyond routine leader and staff interactions by focusing on emotional and physical well-being within broader systems designed to enhance patient safety. Dr. Frankel will explain how leaders are equipped with the skills and tools needed to make these interactions meaningful, detailing the operational steps involved in implementing this approach. He also discussed how data is collected and analyzed to measure the impact on both staff well-being and patient outcomes. Real-world examples from hospitals illustrated the effectiveness of this method, providing valuable lessons learned and measurable results that other organizations can replicate.
- David Hurtado, Sc.D., Associate Professor, Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences and OHSU-PSU School of Public Health, and Abigail Lenhart, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, School of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University, brought their expertise to work-life check-ins between supervisors and staff. These check-ins are critical touchpoints that allow leaders to proactively address burnout, stress, and work-life balance issues. Drs. Hurtado and Lenhart explored how semi-structured conversations around well-being can deepen the connection between leaders and their teams, fostering trust and encouraging open communication. They shared specific examples of how this practice has been successfully integrated into primary care settings, including detailed lessons learned from the field and the positive outcomes associated with reduced burnout and enhanced staff engagement.
- Slides: Workforce Safety and Well-Being Webinar Series (Session 1) Leadership Strategies That Improve Workforce Safety and Well-Being (PDF, 4 MB)