Guidelines for Reporting CAHPS Survey Results
When developing a strategy for communicating the results of a CAHPS survey, it is important to define and focus on the goals you want to achieve:
- Make your audience aware that information on patients’ experiences with care is available to them.
- Motivate your audience to access, view, and use this information.
- Educate your audience to understand and use this quality information.
- Help your audience understand and sort through their options.
Visit the links below for guidelines that can help you accomplish these goals.
Contents of a CAHPS Report
One of the first steps in producing a CAHPS report is to decide what information to include. Learn which elements of a CAHPS report are standard and which are optional.
Designing a CAHPS Report
Through testing and experience, researchers have learned several important lessons about designing an understandable and usable report with CAHPS survey results.
Reporting CAHPS Survey Results to Non-Consumers
The results of CAHPS surveys are often reported to healthcare providers, health plans, purchasers, and other stakeholders.
Capturing Consumers’ Attention
Healthcare consumers are often unaware of public reporting efforts or uninterested in using the information. Research conducted by the CAHPS team suggests some strategies to capture the attention of consumers.
Distributing a CAHPS Report
The success of a CAHPS project often rides on the effectiveness of the distribution strategy: no matter how good your data are and how well you present it, your report has little value if it doesn't reach the people who can use it.
Evaluating a CAHPS Report
An evaluation of your CAHPS report after it has been released or distributed can help your organization and its vendors assess how effectively you achieved your goals and what to do differently the next time.