CAHPS American Indian Survey Measures
For more information: Patient Experience Measures for the CAHPS American Indian Survey (PDF, 636 KB)
Getting Care Quickly
Q4 Patient got appointment for urgent care as soon as needed
Q7 Patient got appointment for non-urgent care as soon as needed
Q5 How long patient waited between trying to get an appointment for urgent care and seeing a provider
Q11 Patient informed of wait time for appointment
Getting Needed Care
Q9 Patient got medical help or advice needed after regular hours
Q30 Easy to get appointments with specialists
Q35 Easy to get needed care, tests, or treatment
Q55 Patient got needed prescription medicine through clinic
Q54 Easy to get needed prescription medicine through clinic
How Well Health Professionals Communicate
Q36 Provider explained things in a way that was easy to understand
Q37 Provider listened carefully to patient
Q38 Provider showed respect for what patient had to say
Q39 Provider spent enough time with patient
Q41 Provider explained the purpose of medicines in a way that was easy to understand
Q43 Provider explained in a way that was easy to understand what to do if illness or health condition got worse or came back
Q45 Someone from provider’s office followed up with patient to give results of blood test, x ray, or other test
Q46 Provider explained test results in a way that was easy to understand
Q20 Provider encouraged patient to talk about health concerns
Helpful, Courteous, and Respectful Office Staff
Q51 Clerks and receptionists were helpful
Q52 Clerks and receptionists were courteous and respectful
Guidance About Your Personal Health*
Q21 Patient and provider talked about diet and eating habits
Q22 Patient and provider talked about the exercise or physical activity
Q25 Provider advised patient to quit smoking or stop using tobacco
Q26 Provider recommended or discussed medication to help patient quit smoking or using tobacco
Q27 Provider recommended or discussed methods or strategies other than medication to help patient quit smoking or using tobacco
Perceived Discrimination Because of Tribal Affiliation*
Q58 Patient felt provider judged patient unfairly or treated patient with disrespect because of tribal affiliation
Q59 Patient felt provider judged patient unfairly or treated patient with disrespect because of blood quantum level
Shared Decisionmaking*
Q49 Provider talked about pros and cons of choices for treatment or health care
Q50 Provider asked what patient thought was best for patient
Coordination of Care*
Q17 Provider seemed informed and up-to-date about care from specialists
Patients’ Ratings
Q28 Rating of provider
Q56 Rating of clinic
* Note: The CAHPS Consortium has not developed and tested labels for these composite measures.