Search blocks for diagnostic test results
Database | Structured Search Headings | Free Text Search Terms |
Medline | Medline “Diagnostic Tests, Routine” or “Delayed Diagnosis” or “Diagnostic Errors” or “False Negative Reactions” or “False Positive Reactions” or “Incidental Findings” | diagnos* adj2 (test* or procedur* or imag* or lab* or delay* or error*)) ((test* or diagnos* or abnormal* or “ab-normal*” or sensitive*) adj2 (result* or finding* or information*)) |
Web of Science | N/A | (“test result*” or “sensitive result*” or “incidental finding*” or abnormal NEAR/2 result* or abnormal NEAR/2 finding*) or diagnos* NEAR/2 test* or diagnos* NEAR/2 procedur* or diagnos* NEAR/2 imag* OR diagnos* NEAR/2 lab* OR diagnos* NEAR/2 delay* OR diagnos* NEAR/2 error*) |
Embase | N/A | (‘diagnostic tests, routine’/exp OR ‘diagnostic tests, routine’ OR ‘delayed diagnosis’/exp OR ‘delayed diagnosis’ OR ‘diagnostic errors’/exp OR ‘diagnostic errors’ OR ‘false negative reactions’/exp OR ‘false negative reactions’ OR ‘false positive reactions’/exp OR ‘false positive reactions’ OR ‘incidental findings’/exp OR ‘incidental findings’ OR (diagnos* NEXT/2 (test* OR procedur* OR imag* OR lab* OR delay* OR error*)) OR ((test* OR diagnos* OR abnormal* OR ‘ab-normal*’ OR sensitive*) NEXT/2 (result* OR finding* OR information*))) |
CINAHL | “Diagnostic Tests, Routine” OR “Diagnostic Errors” OR “False Positive Results” OR “False Negative Results” OR “Diagnosis, Delayed” OR “Failure to Diagnose” | diagnos* N2 test* OR diagnos* N2 procedur* OR diagnos* N2 imag* OR diagnos* N2 lab* OR diagnos* N2 delay* OR diagnos* N2 error* OR “test result* OR sensitive result* OR sensitive finding* OR incidental finding* OR abnormal result* OR abnormal finding*” |
Notes: All searches limited to years 2017-2023. Free text searches included proximity operators (e.g., adj2, NEAR/2, N2) to
identify terms within two words of one another. Web of Science search terms applied to Title, Abstract, and Author Keywords
Search blocks for electronic portal access
Database | Structured Search | Free Text Search Terms |
Medline | “Access to Information” or “Patient Access to Records” or “Patient Portals” | ((access* or releas* or share* or sharing* or block*) adj2 (information* or record* or result* or finding*)) OR (patient* adj2 (portal* or “direct* access*” or “access* direct*” or “direct* release*” or “release* direct*”)) or “Connect Patient*” or “MyChart” or “My Chart” or “MyHealthevet” or “My Healthevet” or “Cerner Patient Portal” or “HealtheLife” |
Web of Science | N/A | (information* or record* or result*) NEAR/2 (release* or access* or block* or share* or sharing) (“direct* release*” or “automat* release*”) near/3 patient*) (my$chart OR my$Healthevet OR connect$patient OR “cerner patient portal” OR “healthelife”) (“Cure$ Act” OR “21st Century Cures Act” OR “open note$” or “opennotes”) |
Embase | N/A | (((access AND to AND information OR patient) AND access AND to AND records OR patient) AND portals OR ((access* OR releas* OR share* OR sharing* OR block*) NEAR/2 (information* OR record* OR result* OR finding*)) OR ‘connect patient*’ OR ‘mychart’ OR ‘my chart’ OR ‘myhealthevet’ OR ‘my healthevet’ OR ‘cerner patient portal’ OR ‘healthelife’ OR ‘direct* access*’ OR ‘access* direct*’ OR ’direct* release*’ OR ‘release* direct*’ OR ‘cure* act*’ OR ‘open note*’ OR ‘opennote*’) |
CINAHL | result* N2 release* OR access* N2 result* OR information* N2 block* OR record* N2 release* OR direct* N2 release* OR result* N2 shar* OR record* N2 shar* OR information* N2 release* OR record* N2 block* OR my#chart OR my#Healthevet OR connect#patient OR “cerner patient portal” OR healthelife OR Cure* Act” OR “21st Century Cures Act” OR OpenNote* OR “open note* | result* N2 release* OR access* N2 result* OR information* N2 block* OR record* N2 release* OR direct* N2 release* OR result* N2 shar* OR record* N2 shar* OR information* N2 release* OR record* N2 block* OR my#chart OR my#Healthevet OR connect#patient OR “cerner patient portal” OR healthelife OR Cure* Act” OR “21st Century Cures Act” OR OpenNote* OR “open note* |
Notes: All searches limited to years 2017-2023. Free text searches included proximity operators (e.g., adj2, NEAR/2, N2) to
identify terms within two words of one another. Web of Science search terms applied to Title, Abstract, and Author Keywords