National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report
Latest available findings on quality of and access to health care
Data & Analytics
- Data Infographics
- Data Visualizations
- Data Tools
- Data Innovations
- All-Payer Claims Database
- Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Program
- Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP)
- Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
- National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report Data Tools
- AHRQ Quality Indicator Tools for Data Analytics
- United States Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK)
- Data Sources Available from AHRQ
National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research
National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research
Featured Tools and Resources
Primary Care Research Webinars
This series of webinars features AHRQ-funded studies that strengthen the research and delivery of primary care.
Practice Facilitation Curriculum
Training modules to enhance practice facilitators' skills to support primary care practices
Reports and Other Publications
These publications highlight primary care topics ranging from burnout to research gaps.
NCEPCR’s Mission
NCEPCR’s mission is to support transformative primary care research, tools and methods for implementation, and the next generation of primary care researchers to improve the delivery of primary care.
The National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research (NCEPCR) is the home for primary care research at AHRQ. NCEPCR is focused on strengthening the Nation's primary care system, providing evidence, practical tools, and other resources for researchers and evaluators, clinicians and clinical teams, quality improvement experts, and healthcare decision makers to improve the quality and safety of care.
AHRQ invests in primary care research to help primary care practices improve the quality and delivery of care and achieve better health outcomes. AHRQ’s research initiatives produce evidence about what works best in creating and sustaining primary care infrastructure, with tools and resources practices can use in their quality improvement efforts.
AHRQ's primary care resources also include the Compendium of U.S. Health Systems, CAHPS tools and surveys, HCUP data, MEPS data, Social Determinants of Health database, and SOPS.
Resources to enable and encourage a vital primary care research community.
These publications highlight primary care topics ranging from burnout to research gaps and incorporation of social risk.
- Primary Care Research Videos
- Estimating the Costs of Primary Care Transformation
- IMPaCT Grants Catalog of Tools
- IMPaCT Grants Report
- Transforming Primary Care Grants Bibliography
- Transforming Primary Care Findings
- 30-Year Investment in Primary Care Research
- Investments in Primary Care Research for 2021 and 2022
AHRQ has numerous opportunities to support primary care research through funding opportunities related to health information technology, patient-reported outcomes, addressing multiple chronic conditions, and many more topics integral to primary care.