The first comprehensive report (PDF, 12 MB) from the National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research (NCEPCR) complies and synthesizes AHRQ's recent investments in primary care research from throughout the Agency.
The report includes an overview of AHRQ's recent primary care grants and contracts, a discussion about existing gaps in AHRQ's primary care investments, and recommendations of future directions for NCEPCR. Much of the report is organized into Key Topic Areas and Additional Topic Areas of interest for primary care research. Each of these topic-based sections includes short summaries of AHRQ primary care-related research grants, link to more detailed summaries of studies with a high potential for impact (see AHRQ Primary Care Grant Summaries: Research Profiles and Emerging Research Spotlights [PDF, 77 KB]), and descriptions of relevant AHRQ initiatives and resources.
Navigate directly to AHRQ's Recent Primary Care Grants and Resources to read about the topic areas. You can read the full report using either the table of contents at the top of the page or opening the PDF version (PDF, 12 MB).
Information about the methods used to develop the report, including the definition of primary care research used, is included in Appendix A.