In this section we share information about AHRQ’s primary care grants, initiatives, and resources in 2021 and 2022. This information is organized into key topic areas and additional topic areas. In the tables throughout this section, we include short summaries for each of the 124 unique AHRQ primary care relevant grants and the 2 COVID-19 add-on studies. We include links to Project Profiles and Emerging Research Spotlights in Appendix D for more detailed summaries of potentially high-impact grants. Grant titles in the tables link to additional information (including publications) on the NIH RePORTER website.
Grants with a focus on health equity, which is an important cross-cutting topic, are indicated throughout the report with this icon.
Key Topic Areas
The information in this section is organized into the eight areas identified by AHRQ as the topics of key interest for their forthcoming primary care research agenda. Each grant is described in the section that best matches the main focus of the work (as determined by the Abt team). The key topic areas are:
- Practice and Quality Improvement
- Healthcare Systems and Infrastructure
- Digital Healthcare
- Person-Centered Care
- Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorders
- Health Equity
- Primary Care Workforce
- Public Health and Community Integration
On the following pages we provide information about the AHRQ grants, initiatives, and resources for each of these key topic areas.