As the foundation of a strong health care system, primary care requires and deserves rigorous and innovative research to support and advance high quality primary care delivery. I am excited to share this report showcasing the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ's) recent investments in primary care research. AHRQ has supported primary care research since its inception, but this important work has been dispersed across the agency’s centers making it a challenge to review and summarize as a comprehensive research portfolio. In 2022, the National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research (NCEPCR) received initial funding to become the home for primary care research at AHRQ. NCEPCR is dedicated to making primary care research more visible, coordinated, comprehensive, and ultimately more effective.
In this NCEPCR report, we compile and share information about AHRQ’s recent primary care research efforts and funding from throughout the agency, including grants, contracts, initiatives, and resources. We hope that this report serves as a resource for researchers, clinicians and clinical teams, quality improvement experts, and decision makers who are interested in primary care research and want to learn more about AHRQ’s investments in this area.
NCEPCR envisions a future where all patients receive high quality, whole person, evidence- based, affordable primary health care from a healthy primary care workforce. Over the coming years, we look forward to sharing more about the work of NCEPCR, including research funded directly by the center.
Aimee R. Eden, Ph.D., MPH
Acting Director, National Center for Excellence in Primary Care Research
Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement