Intro Activities
- Welcome participants
- Identify the purpose of the meeting: discuss current process for weight.
- Address ground rules:
- There are no right or wrong answers.
- Only one person speaks at a time.
- Respect others' opinions.
Leader Facilitation Instructions
Encourage all staff members to participate in the discussion. If body language indicates agreement, ask for clarification. If the leader hears something that feels controversial, he or she should ask how others feel about it.
Potential Questions and Follow-up Prompts
- What is your perception of overweight and obesity as it relates to our patients and this community?
- Tell me about your perceptions of the effect of obesity on the health status of our patients.
- What generally triggers the discussion regarding obesity?
- How do you broach the subject of obesity with our patients?
- Think about the typical flow of patient care at this practice. Can you identify some of the factors/processes that help you care for patients who are obese?
- How do we currently screen for obesity (i.e., BMI? Waist Circumference? Eye ball?)
- How do we know when a patient is ready to do something about their weight?
- How do we counsel patients who are obese?
- How might these approaches be different for children, adults, and older adults?
- Can you describe some of the factors/processes that make it challenging to care for our obese patients?
- What are some of the sensitivities involved in talking about obesity?
- How do we care for patients who are not ready to do something about their weight?
- What community resources are available outside the practice to help patients?
- What resources do you know of that you, your family, or friends use for weight management?
- What were their experiences?
- How would you describe the relationships between our clinic and these organizations?
- What features would you look for in these resources when choosing to refer a patient?